Electronic Brake Traction Control Module (EBTCM)
The Electronic Brake Traction Control Module (EBTCM) sends a message to the cluster to control the following:
Speedometer And Tachometer
The input information for the speedometer and tachometer is supplied over the Class 2 serial data link by the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).
The odometer is an electronic digital display. There is one odometer display. The trip odometer and total odometer will show in this display area. The push button in the lower right side of the speedometer is used to toggle between the trip and total odometer readings. To reset the trip odometer, push and hold the button down for at least two seconds. The total odometer display has six digits with no decimal display. The trip odometer has four digits including a decimal point and indicates tenths of a mile or kilometer.
Fuel Gauge
The input information for the fuel gauge is sent over the Class 2 serial data link by the Body Control Module (BCM).
The cluster will position the needle on the gauge based on the information sent by the BCM.