Rear Wheel Alignment
REAR WHEEL ALIGNMENTRear wheel alignment involves setting the toe angle. Rear wheel camber is not adjustable.
IMPORTANT: Rear wheel alignment angles must be set to correct specifications before front wheel alignment angles are adjusted.
- KM-900 Rear Toe Adjusting Too]
- SA9140E Torque Angle Gauge
1. Remove rear axle control arm bolts and cage nuts and discard.
NOTICE: Use new bolts and cage nuts. Torque retention of old bolts and nuts may not be sufficient.
IMPORTANT: Do not tighten bolts at this time.
2. Install new bolts leaving the inside forward bolt out.
3. Install Rear Toe Adjusting Tool KM-900, into the open bolt hole.
4. Using rear toe adjustment tool KM-900, move rear axle control arm in the direction of necessary toe correction.
5. Snug rear axle control arm bolts, do not tighten to final torque at this time.
6. Recheck toe and adjust if necessary.
7. Using Torque Angle Gauge SA9140E (or equivalent), tighten rear axle control arm bolts using the torque angle method.
Torque: Rear Axle Control Arm Bracket-to-Body Bolts: 90 Nm (66 ft. lbs.)
8. Repeat procedure for other rear wheel.