General Description
The power window system is designed to open and close all of the windows from the two power window master switch assemblies located in the console.The rear door windows may be controlled from switches located in each rear door. The left rear door switch will operate only the left rear window, and the right rear door switch will operate only the right rear window. The rear window door switches can also be disabled from the left power window master switch assembly on the left side of the center console.
The two main power window switches are located on the left and on the right side of the center console. The driver window switch, located on the left side of the center console, contains three switches: One switch each for control of the two left windows and one rear window lockout switch to enable or disable the rear window switches. The window switch on the right side of the center console contains two switches for control of the tow right windows. The switches that control each of the windows are push-pull switches and the switch to enable or disable the rear window switches is a rocker button.
The system consists of a relay, two power window master switch assemblies, two single power window switch assemblies, four window motors and related wiring harnesses.
The power window system is operational only when the ignition switch is in the RUN position. For the rear window door switches to be operational, the rear window lockout switch must also be in the enable (On) position.