Cruise Control Servo Cable: Service and Repair
1. Ignition Off.
2. Remove cruise control module to bracket bolts leaving bracket attached to frame rail.
3. Remove cruise control throttle cable clip attached to front of dash.
4. Pull cruise control module up behind power brake booster.
5. Disconnect cruise control module harness connector.
6. Disconnect cruise control throttle cable snap from throttle body cam.
7. Cut the bead off the end of the cruise control throttle cable at the throttle body cam end.
8. Unclip cruise control throttle cable form both attachment clips.
9. Disconnect cruise control throttle cable from module by rotating cable 1/4 turn counter-clockwise at module.
10. Remove cable from connecting strap.
11. Remove and discard the cut cruise control throttle cable and replace with an adjustable cruise control throttle cable.
1. Ignition Off.
2. Remove cruise control module to bracket bolts leaving bracket attached to frame rail.
3. Remove cruise control throttle cable clip attached to front of dash.
4. Pull cruise control module up behind power brake booster.
5. Disconnect cruise control module harness connector.
(1) Cruise Control Throttle Cable
(2) Adjuster (shown here, actually closer to module)
(3) Cable Snap
(4) Cable Head
6. Disconnect cruise control throttle cable snap from throttle body cam.
7. Unclip cruise control throttle cable from both attachment clips.
8. Disconnect cruise control throttle cable from module by rotating cable 1/4 turn counter-clockwise at module.
9. Remove cable from connecting strap.
10. Remove cruise control throttle cable.
NOTE: Once factory cable has been removed it cannot be reused. Replace factory cable with adjustable type cable. An initial adjustment of the new cable will be necessary. Afterwards, the lash learn capability of the cruise control module will compensate for future adjustments. For more information on the lash learn capability see "Cruise Control System Description".
IMPORTANT: Do not twist connecting strap during installation.
1. Connect cruise control throttle cable to cruise control module connecting strap.
2. Install cruise control throttle cable to cruise control module by rotating 1/4 turn clockwise.
3. Install cruise control module with throttle cable into frame rail bracket and install attachment bolts.
Cruise Control Module-to-Frame Rail Bracket Bolts: 10 N.m (89 in-lbs)
4. Install throttle cable clip to front of dash stud.
5. Install cruise control throttle cable snap to throttle body cam.
6. Install cruise control throttle cable to both attachment clips.
7. Connect cruise control module harness connector. Push in until a click is heard and pull back to confirm a positive engagement.
8. Adjust cruise control throttle cable. Refer to "Cruise Control Throttle Cable Adjustment" procedure.