Cylinder Head Assemble
- SA9102E-A Valve Seal Remover/Installer
- SA9124E Valve Spring Compressor/Remover
NOTICE: In order to avoid damage, install the spark plugs after cylinder head has been installed on engine.
1. Install cylinder head plugs. Coat plugs with thread sealer Loctite Threadlocker 242 (or equivalent).
2. Inspect valve springs.
- Valve Spring Tension (Closed): 258 + 13 N (@ 32.5 mm)
- Valve Spring Tension (Open): 550 - 25 N (@ 22.5 mm)
3. Assemble valves.
4. Use the following steps to measure valve runout:
4.1. Apply a dab of Prussian Blue on entire valve face. Seat valve but do not rotate it. The Prussian Blue traces that is transferred to the valve seat indicates concentricity of the valve seat.
4.2. Clean all traces of Prussian Blue.
4.3. Apply a dab of Prussian Blue on the valve seat and repeat the check. The traces that are transferred to the valve indicates the valve face concentricity.
5. Recondition valve seat or replace valves, if necessary.
6. Using valve Sealer Remover/Installer SA9102E-A install new valve seals. Fully seat seals on valve guides.
7. Install valve springs.
8. Install retainer.
9. Compress valve spring using Valve Spring Compressor/Remover SA9124E.
10. Install valve keys.
11. Slowly release valve spring compressor from valve spring assembly.
12. Inspect for proper valve key seating within the retainer.
13. Install cylinder head air bleed tube (if necessary).
Cylinder Head Air Bleed Tube Fastener: 15 Nm (11 ft. lbs.)
14. Install both camshafts.