Steering - Moaning/Groaning Noise on Low Speed Turns
File in Section: 02 - SteeringBulletin No.: 03-02-32-045
Issue Date: September, 2003
Moan or Groan Noise While Turning Steering Wheel at Low Speeds (Install Tuned Power Steering Pressure Hose)
Models Affected:
2000-2004 Saturn L-Series Vehicles with 2.2L 4-Cylinder Engine (VIN F - RPO L61) and Automatic Transmission (RPO MN4)
Attention: Technician
Some customers may comment on a moan or groan noise from the power steering system while turning the steering wheel at low vehicle speeds.
Pressure pulses from the power steering pump may create resonance throughout the steering system.
Install new tuned power steering pressure hose, P/N 22714174 flush fluid, and vacuum bleed steering system.
Refer to service procedure provided in this bulletin.
Service Procedure:
Tools Required
SA9180NE/J35555 Mighty Vac(R)
Low fluid level or power steering system leaks must be corrected prior to evaluating the vehicle for a moan or groan noise.
1. If a leak is observed, correct using the appropriate repair procedures from the 2000-2004 Saturn L-Series Chassis Service Manual.
2. Remove reservoir cap and inspect fluid level. If fluid is at or below the ADD line, add fluid to FULL line.
3. Drive vehicle at slow speed while turning the steering wheel to duplicate parking lot maneuvers to verify customer concern. If moan or groan condition persists, proceed to the next step to replace existing power steering pressure hose with a new design tuned power steering pressure hose.
Removal Procedure
1. Remove power steering reservoir cap.
2. Use SA9180NE/J35555 Mighty Vac(R), or equivalent, with siphon cup to drain power steering fluid from reservoir.
3. Place an approved drain container under power steering hoses at the steering gear.
4. Remove power steering pressure hose from steering gear.
5. Disconnect clip between power steering pressure hose and power steering return hose.
6. Remove power steering pressure hose from pump.
7. Remove power steering pressure hose from vehicle. Note the routing for installation.
Installation Procedure
1. Position new tuned power steering pressure hose, P/N 22714174, into vehicle. Route the power steering pressure hose in the vehicle as noted during removal procedure.
2. Hand start but do NOT tighten power steering pressure hose to steering gear connection.
3. Hand start but do NOT tighten power steering pressure hose to pump connection.
4. Hold fitting at the gear end of the pressure hose so that it does not contact (ground out) against any other part of the vehicle.
5. Tighten power steering pressure hose to gear connection.
Tighten the power steering pressure hose to steering gear 27 N.m (20 ft-lbs).
6. Twist the power steering pressure hose at the pump end so that the hose is centered between the brake master cylinder and the heater hoses.
7. While holding power steering pressure hose in centered position, tighten power steering pressure hose to pump.
Tighten the power steering pressure hose to pump: 27 N.m (20 ft-lbs).
8. Attach clip between power steering pressure hose and power steering return hose.
9. Inspect power steering pressure hose routing to make sure that there are no ground outs anywhere along the power steering pressure hose and readjust, if necessary.
10. Fill power steering pump fluid reservoir with clean power steering fluid, GM specification 9985010 (in Canada, use P/N 89021183 [1L]).
11. Bleed power steering system. Refer to "Power Steering Bleed" procedure in the 2000-2004 Saturn L-Series Chassis Service Manual for vacuum bleed procedure.
12. Drive vehicle at slow speed while turning the steering wheel to duplicate parking lot maneuvers to verify that moan or groan condition has been eliminated.
Parts Information
Claim Information:
To receive credit for this repair during the warranty coverage period, submit a claim through the Saturn Dealer System for E8622. If another procedure is performed, refer to the appropriate Electronic Labor Time Guide for the correct operation code and time.