Scan Tool Data Definitions
SCAN TOOL DATA DEFINITIONS8-Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays an 8-digit numeric number. The part number of the module.
AM/FM Button: The scan tool displays On or Off. The scan tool will display On if the AM/FM button is pressed.
Amplifier Present: The scan tool displays Yes or No. The scan tool will display Yes if the radio has been programmed for a vehicle equipped with an amplifier. The scan tool will display No if the radio has been programmed for a vehicle that is not equipped with an amplifier.
Antenna Connected: The scan tool displays Yes or No. The scan tool will display Yes if the digital radio receiver antenna is properly connected.
Auto Tone Up Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On if the left side of the AUTO EQ rocker button is pressed.
Auto Tone Down Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display ON if the right side of the AUTO EQ rocker button is pressed.
AUX: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display ON if the AUX button is pressed.
Balance Control Left: The scan tool will display a numeric percent. This percent reflects the position of the balance setting. If the balance is adjusted all the way to the left, the scan tool will display 100%. If the balance is adjusted all the way to the right, the scan tool will display 0%.
Balance Control Right: The scan tool will display a numeric percent. This percent reflects the position of the balance setting. If the balance is adjusted all the way to the right, the scan tool will display 100%. If the balance is adjusted all the way to the left, the scan tool will display 0%.
Band: The scan tool displays FM1, FM2, AM, XM1, or XM2. The scan tool displays the band to which the radio is currently tuned.
Bass Control: The scan tool displays a numeric percent. If the bass is adjusted to maximum level, the scan tool will display 100%. If the bass is adjusted to a minimum level, the scan tool will display 0%.
Battery Voltage: The scan tool will display 0-25.5 volts. The scan tool will display the voltage as measured from the modules battery positive voltage circuit to the modules ground circuit.
Calibration ID: The scan tool will display 0-9999. The number designates what calibration is contained within the module.
Category Down Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the right side of the Category rocker button is pressed.
Category Up Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the left side of the Category rocker button is pressed.
Category Interrupt: The scan tool will display Disable or Enable. The scan tool will display Enable when the Category interrupt function is enabled.
Category Interrupt Cancel: The scan tool will display Yes or No. The scan tool will display Yes if the category interrupt function has been cancelled.
Category Mode: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the category mode is enabled.
CD Deck Hardware Level: The scan tool will display a numeric number. The number designates the modules CD deck hardware level.
CD Deck Software Level: The scan tool will display a numeric number. The number designates the modules CD deck software level.
CD Eject Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the CD Eject button is pressed.
CD Load Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the CD Load button is pressed.
Component Serial Number: The scan tool displays the serial number of the module.
Current RDS Program Info: The scan tool will display the RDS program information being currently received.
Digital Radio Antenna: This parameter indicates the amount of current being used by the digital radio antenna by measuring the voltage drop across an internal resistor. Early modules support the mV reading, while later modules support the mA reading.
DSP Software Version: The scan tool will display a numeric number. The scan tool will display the current DSP software version number.
EQ Setting: The scan tool will display VUE; VUE w/amp; ION cpe; ION cpe w/amp; ION sed; or ION sed w'/amp. The scan tool will display the current configuration of the radio, which was programmed during the radio setup.
Fade Control Front: The scan tool will display a numeric percent. This percent reflects the position of the fade setting. If the fade is adjusted all the way to the front, the scan tool will display 100%. If the fade is adjusted all the way to the rear, the scan tool will display 0%.
Fade Control Rear: The scan tool will display a numeric percent. This percent reflects the position of the fade setting. If the fade is adjusted all the way to the rear, the scan tool will display 100%. If the fade is adjusted all the way to the front, the scan tool will display 0%.
Fast Forward Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the FFWD button is pressed.
Information Button: The scan will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the INFO button is pressed.
Mute Status: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the OnStar system is activated and provides a ground to the discrete mute circuit on the radio.
POWER button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display on when the POWER button is pressed.
Power Mode: The scan tool will display Off- Asleep/ Off-Awake/Accessory/Run/Crank/RAP. The scan tool will display the current power mode.
Preset: The scan tool will display a Preset #/ Not a Preset. The scan tool will display the current Preset number to which the radio is tuned, or display Not a Preset if the station is not stored in the preset memory of the radio.
No. 1 Preset Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the Preset 1 button is pressed.
No. 2 Preset Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the Preset 2 button is pressed.
No. 3 Preset Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the Preset 3 button is pressed.
No. 4 Preset Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the Preset 4 button is pressed.
No. 5 Preset Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the Preset 5 button is pressed.
No. 6 Preset Button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On when the Preset 6 button is pressed.
Prom ID: The scan tool displays 0-999. The number is the identification number of the module's internal PROM.
Radio Signal Strength: The scan tool will display No Signal/ Weak Signal/Marginal Signal/Good Signal.
Source Status: The scan tool will display Off/Tuner/ CD/RDS Interrupt/DRR Tuner/OnStar. The display will depend on the current source of the audio signal.
Recall Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the RCL button is pressed.
Random Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the RDM button is pressed.
RDS Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the RDS button is pressed.
Received Category: The scan tool will display the program category that is received from the broadcasting station, if available.
Received RDS Program Info: The scan tool will display the RDS program information received from the broadcasting station, if available.
Reverse Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the REV button is pressed.
Repeat Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the RPT button is pressed.
Seek Down Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the right side of the SEEK rocker button is pressed.
Seek Up Button: The scan tool will display On/Off. The scan tool will display On when the left side of the SEEK rocker button is pressed.
Signal Status: The scan tool will display a numeric representation of the radio signal status.
Software Version: The scan tool displays the release version of the software contained in the Digital Radio Receiver.
Theft Active: The scan tool will display Yes/No. The scan tool will display Yes if the radio is locked as a result of the theft deterrent feature.
Total CD Hours of Operation: The scan tool will display the number of hours which the CD player has operated.
Total Radio Hours of Operation: The scan tool will display the number of hours which the radio has operated.
Traf Announce: The scan tool will display Enable/Disable. The scan tool will display Enable if the traffic announcement feature has been enabled.
Traf Interrupt Cancel: The scan tool will display Yes/No. The scan tool will display Yes if the traffic interrupt feature has been cancelled.
Treble Control: The scan tool displays a numeric percent. If the treble is adjusted to maximum level, the scan tool will display 100%. If the treble is adjusted to a minimum level, the scan tool will display 0%.
TUNE button: The scan tool will display On or Off. The scan tool will display On if the TUNE button is pressed.
User Selected Category: The scan tool will display POP/EASY/TALK/CNTRY/CLASS/JAZZ. The scan tool will display the user selected RDS category.
VIN: The scan tool will display the vehicle's identification number.
VIN Learned: The scan tool will display Yes or No. The scan tool will display Yes if the radio has been programmed with the VIN.
Volume Control: The scan tool displays a numeric percent. If the volume is adjusted to maximum level, the scan tool will display 100%. If the volume is adjusted to a minimum level, the scan tool will display 0%.