Rear Suspension
Knuckle Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the rear tire and wheel assembly.
3. Disconnect the rear park brake cable from the park brake actuator and position aside.
Notice: Support the brake caliper with heavy mechanic wire, or equivalent, whenever it is separated from its mount and the hydraulic flexible brake hose is still connected. Failure to support the caliper in this manner will cause the flexible brake hose to bear the weight of the caliper, which may cause damage to the brake hose and in turn may cause a brake fluid leak.
4. Remove the brake caliper and bracket as an assembly and support it with heavy mechanics wire or equivalent.
5. Remove the wheel bearing/hub assembly.
6. Remove the lower shock to knuckle bolt.
7. Remove the 3 trailing arm to knuckle bolts (1).
8. Remove the toe link to knuckle bolt and nut.
9. Remove the coil spring.
10. Remove the stabilizer link to knuckle bolt.
11. Remove the upper control arm to knuckle bolt and nut.
12. Remove the knuckle from the vehicle.
Installation Procedure
1. Position the knuckle to the upper control arm. Loosely install the bolt and nut.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice.
2. Install the stabilizer link to knuckle bolt.
Tighten the stabilizer link to knuckle bolt to 55 N.m (41 lb ft).
3. Install the coil spring.
4. Loosely install the toe link to knuckle bolt and nut.
5. Install the 3 trailing arm to knuckle bolts.
Tighten the trailing arm to knuckle bolts to 180 N.m (133 lb ft).
6. Install the lower shock to knuckle bolt.
Tighten the lower shock to knuckle bolt to 180 N.m (133 lb ft).
7. Tighten the bolts and nuts in the following sequence:
1. Tighten the upper control arm to knuckle bolt and nut to 110 N.m (81 lb ft) plus 70 degrees rotation.
2. Tighten the lower control arm to knuckle bolt and nut to 60 N.m (44 lb ft) plus 70 degrees rotation.
3. Tighten the lower control arm to support bolt and nut to 110 N.m (81 lb ft).
4. Tighten the toe link to knuckle bolt and nut to 110 N.m (81 lb ft) plus 70 degrees rotation.
8. Install the wheel bearing/hub assembly.
Notice: Support the brake caliper with heavy mechanic wire, or equivalent, whenever it is separated from its mount and the hydraulic flexible brake hose is still connected. Failure to support the caliper in this manner will cause the flexible brake hose to bear the weight of the caliper, which may cause damage to the brake hose and in turn may cause a brake fluid leak.
9. Remove the supporting wire and position the brake caliper and bracket assembly onto the knuckle. Refer to Rear Brake Caliper Bracket Replacement.
10. Connect the rear park brake cable to the park brake actuator.
11. Install the rear tire and wheel assembly.
12. Lower the vehicle.
13. Perform a vehicle wheel alignment.