Locks - Adjustment of Key Cutting Depth
Subject:Information on Adjusting Key Cut Depths in Exacta Key Cutting Machine
# 06-00-89-053A - (12/21/2006)
2003-2007 Saturn ION
2005-2007 Saturn Relay
2007 Saturn Aura, Outlook, SKY
This bulletin is being updated to add an additional model and clarify cut positions. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 06-00-89-053 (Section 00 - General Information).
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide information to Saturn retailers on adjusting the key cut depths in the Exacta key cutting machine.
The depth of the individual punch cuts in the key may not be deep enough to allow the key to properly engage the tumblers in the lock and/or ignition cylinders. For vehicles affected by this bulletin, the depth of the cut has a greater impact on key function than on earlier Saturn vehicles.
Saturn retailers should adjust key cut depths on the Exacta machine using the instructions provided in this bulletin. If the cut key will not work after adjusting the cut depth to the maximum, replace the punch. (The punch [74-P13-23] can be purchased by contacting Dealer Equipment and Services at 1-800-GM-TOOLS. The key cutter adapter set (depth knob, key punch, space plate and insert) can be purchased by contacting Kent-Moore Customer Service at 1-800-345-2233, tool number J 45823.)
Exacta Key Cut Depth Adjustment Procedure
1. Remove the depth knob to expose the eccentric adjusting pin (1) which is the alignment pin for depth knob.
2. Loosen the locking screw (2) with a 1.6 mm (1/16 in) Allen wrench.
^ To increase the depth of the cut, turn the eccentric adjusting pin (1) counterclockwise toward the 6 o'clock position.
^ To reduce the depth of the cut, turn the eccentric adjusting pin clockwise toward the 12 o'clock position.
3. Tighten the locking screw (2) and reinstall the depth knob.
4. After making adjustments, verify measurements by checking the depth from the bottom of the key blank to the root of the cut. The measurements should be as shown.