Axle Beam: Service and Repair
Rear Axle Replacement
Removal Procedure
Important: If the rear axle is being replaced due to a wheel alignment issue and is not physically damaged, refer to Thrust Angle Description for additional information.
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the rear wheels.
3. Disconnect the left and right rear brake pipes from the rear brake hoses at the axle.
4. Disconnect the brake hoses from the axle brake hose bracket.
5. Plug the brake pipes and hoses in order to prevent additional brake fluid loss.
6. Disconnect both rear parking brake cables at the rear brake.
7. If applicable, disconnect the ABS harness connectors and disconnect from the axle.
8. Support the rear axle with a hydraulic lift table.
9. Remove the lower shock bolts.
10. Lower the hydraulic lift table and remove the rear coil springs.
11. Disconnect the park brake cables from the cable brackets.
12. Remove the wheel bearing/hub retaining nuts from both sides.
13. Remove the wheel bearing/hubs, with the brakes and backing plate as an assembly.
Axle Assembly:
14. Remove all rear axle bushing bracket bolts.
15. Use the hydraulic lift table to lower the rear axle from the vehicle.
16. Remove the rear axle bushing through bolts and the park brake cable brackets.
17. Remove the rear coil spring lower seat from the axle.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the rear coil spring lower insulators to the axle.
2. Install the axle brackets to the axle bushings, with the alignment slot on the outboard side.
Important: The axle bushing through bolts must be installed with the bolt head facing inboard.
3. Loosely install the bushing bolts and nuts.
4. Place the axle on the hydraulic lift table.
5. Raise the axle into position.
Axle Assembly:
6. Hand tighten the axle bracket to body bolts just enough to hold the brackets flush to the body.
Important: The axle through bolts must be tightened with the axle at the correct trim height and prior to torquing the axle bracket to body bolts.
7. Using the lift table, raise the axle to the proper trim height specification by measuring the vertical distance between the bottom edge of the upper spring seat and the bottom of the notch in the lower spring seat. Refer to Trim Height Inspection for D height measurement.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice.
8. Tighten the axle bushing through bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 90 N.m (66 lb ft) plus 60 degrees.
9. Insert two 12 mm diameter pins through the axle brackets into the underbody.
10. Align the left side axle bracket and snug down the bolts.
11. Align the right side axle bracket and snug down the bolts.
12. Tighten all the bracket to body bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 90 N.m (66 lb ft) plus 45 degrees.
13. Install the wheel bearing/hubs, with the brakes and backing plate assemblies.
14. Install the bearing/hub nuts.
Tighten the nuts to 50 N.m (37 lb ft) plus 30 degrees.
15. Connect the brake hoses to the rear axle brackets.
16. Connect the brake pipes to the brake hoses at the axle.
Tighten the brake pipe fittings to 19 N.m (14 lb ft).
17. Install the rear coil springs.
18. Install the lower shock bolts.
19. Lower and remove the hydraulic lift table.
20. If applicable, connect the ABS sensor harness connector and harness to axle retainer.
21. Connect the park brake cables to the axle brackets and rear brakes.
22. Bleed the brake system.
23. Install the rear wheels.
24. Lower the vehicle.