Steering Gear: Testing and Inspection
Rack and Pinion Steering Linkage Inspection
Tools Required
* J 8001 Dial Indicator Set
* J 42640 Steering Column Anti-Rotation Pin
Outer Tie Rod
1. Inspect the outer tie rod end seal. If the outer tie rod end seal is torn, replace the outer tie rod end. Refer to Rack and Pinion Outer Tie Rod End Replacement (Service and Repair).
2. Position the wheels in a straight-ahead position and install the anti-rotation pin J 42640.
3. Elevate the left or right front of the vehicle and install a suitable vehicle support, maintaining contact between one front wheel and the shop floor. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle (Service Intervals).
4. Install dial indicator J 8001, or equivalent between the outer tie rod end and steering knuckle as shown. Push slowly inward with one hand on the tire to remove the lash.
In the graphic above, the wheel and tire are removed for clarity.
5. Place the dial indicator at zero, pull outward on the tire. Record the amount of movement in the joint.
Movement should not exceed 1.0 mm (0.04 in). If movement exceeds 1.0 mm (0.04 in) replace the outer tie rod end. Refer to Rack and Pinion Outer Tie Rod End Replacement (Service and Repair).
6. Repeat this procedure for the other side of the vehicle.