Parasitic Draw
Typical parasitic load for this vehicle is 10-15 mA. If the vehicle does not have one of the following components, then subtract the parasitic load of the component for typical parasitic load of the vehicle (10-15 mA) to determine the parasitic load range for the vehicle being tested.Note: During CD changer initialization, parasitic current draw will fluctuate between 3 mA to 1 A. The initialization period lasts up to a maximum of 90 seconds. After initialization, the CD changer parasitic current draw will stabilize at approximately 3 mA.
If the CD changer door is open and the light is illuminated, the parasitic current draw will be approximately 65 mA. The light will remain ON for 2 minutes. After the light goes out, the CD changer parasitic current draw will stabilize at approximately 3 mA