Windows: Description and Operation
System OutlineWhen the ignition SW is turned on, the current flows from the GAUGE fuse through the PWR relay to GROUND, thus the PWR relay is turned on and the current flows through the POWER fuse to TERMINAL 5 of the PWR relay to TERMINAL 3 to TERMINAL B of the power window master SW and TERMINAL B of the power window control SW front RH, Rear LH and RH.
1. Manual Operation (Power Window Master SW)
When the power window master SW (Driver's) is pushed down one step, the current flows from TERMINAL B of the power window master SW to TERMINAL DD to TERMINAL 5 of the power window motor front LH to TERMINAL 4 to TERMINAL DU of the power window master SW to TERMINAL E to GROUND, and the motor rotates to open the window. When the power window master SW is pulled up one step, the current flows from TERMINAL B of the power window master SW to TERMINAL DU to TERMINAL 4 of the power window motor front LH to TERMINAL 5 to TERMINAL DD of the power window master SW to TERMINAL E to GROUND, and the motor rotates in the opposite direction from open and closes the window. All the other windows are opened/closed by operating the respective power window master SW. When the window lock SW is pushed to the lock side, the ground circuit to the passenger's window becomes open. As a result, even if Open/Close operation of the passenger's window is attempted, the current from TERMINAL E of the power window master SW is not grounded and the motor does not rotate, so the passenger's window can not be operated and window lock occurs.
2. Auto Down Operation (Driver s Window)
When the power window master SW (Driver's) is pushed down two steps, the power window master SW determines that it is AUTO operation and the current flows from TERMINAL B of the power window master SW to TERMINAL DD to TERMINAL 5 of the power window motor front LH to TERMINAL 4 to TERMINAL DU of the power window master SW to TERMINAL E to GROUND. Because the hold circuit inside the power window master SW keeps the relay on the down side activated, the power window motor continues operating even if the power window master SW is released. When the driver s window is fully opened, the hold circuit turns off and the relay on the down side turns off, and auto down operation is completed.
3. Stopping of Auto Down Operation (Driver s Window)
When the power window master SW (Driver's) is pulled to the up side during auto down operation, a ground circuit opens in the power window master SW and current does not flow from TERMINAL DU of the power window master SW to TERMINAL E, so the motor stops, causing auto down operation to stop. If the power window master SW is pulled continuously, the motor rotates in the up direction in manual up operation.
4. Manual Operation (Power Window Control SW Front RH, Rear LH and RH)
With the power window control SW (Front RH, rear LH or RH) pulled to the up side, current flows from TERMINAL B of the power window control SW to TERMINAL U to power window motor to TERMINAL D of the power window control SW to TERMINAL SD to TERMINAL PD, RLD or RRD of the power window master SW to TERMINAL E to GROUND and rotates the power window motor (Front RH, rear LH or RH) in the up direction. Up operation continues only while the power window control SW is pulled to the up side. When the window descends, the current flowing to the motor flows in the opposite direction, and the motor rotates in reverse. When the window lock SW is pushed to the lock side, the ground circuit to the passenger's window becomes open. As a result, even if Open/Close operation of the passenger's window is attempted, the current from TERMINAL E of the power window master SW is not grounded and the motor does not rotate, so the passenger's window can not be operated and window lock occurs.