Removal and Installation
1. Remove spare tire from engine compartment.
2. On models equipped with multi-point fuel injection, relieve fuel system pressure as follows:
a. Raise and support vehicle.
b. Disconnect fuel pump electrical connector, then lower vehicle.
c. Start engine. After engine stalls, crank for approximately five seconds, then turn ignition off.
d. Reconnect fuel pump electrical connector.
3. On all models, disconnect battery ground cable from battery and engine.
4. Remove spare support clamp and the support.
5. On models equipped with carbureted engine, disconnect vacuum hoses from charcoal canister, then remove air cleaner assembly.
6. On models equipped with fuel injected engine, disconnect vacuum hoses from charcoal canister, then remove upper air cleaner case and filter and disconnect electrical connector.
7. On all models, disconnect fuel delivery, return and evaporation hoses.
8. On models equipped with automatic transmission, disconnect diaphragm vacuum hose.
9. On all models, disconnect wire harness connectors between engine and body.
10. Disconnect accelerator cable from carburetor or throttle body.
11. On models equipped with manual transmission, remove release lever spring, then disconnect hill holder cable, if equipped.
Fig. 4 Engine Pitching Stopper Removal:
12. On all models, remove pitching stopper rod, Fig. 1.
13. On models equipped with turbocharged engine, proceed as follows:
a. Remove transmission heat shield, then the turbocharger side heat shield.
b. Raise and support vehicle.
c. Loosen front exhaust pipe connection, then lower vehicle and remove heat shield cover from center exhaust pipe.
d. Disconnect center exhaust pipe from turbocharger.
e. Raise and support vehicle.
f. Disconnect center exhaust pipe from rear exhaust pipe, then unfasten and remove center exhaust pipe and lower vehicle.
14. On models equipped with automatic transmission, remove timing hole plug, then the four torque converter-to-drive plate attaching bolts.
15. On all models, drain cooling system, then disconnect radiator hoses and remove radiator from vehicle.
16. Disconnect heater hoses from engine.
17. Unfasten power steering pump, if equipped, and position aside.
18. Raise and support vehicle.
19. On models equipped with non-turbocharged engine, proceed as follows:
a. Disconnect front exhaust pipe from engine. Leave one nut installed to temporarily hold exhaust pipe.
b. Disconnect front exhaust pipe from rear exhaust pipe.
c. Unfasten and remove front exhaust pipe.
20. On all models, remove engine mount.
21. Remove lower engine-to-transmission attaching nuts, the lower vehicle.
22. Support engine using suitable lifting equipment.
23. Remove upper engine-to-transmission attaching bolts and nuts.
24. Support transmission with a suitable jack, then raise engine and transmission slightly.
25. On models equipped with manual transmission, move engine back until mainshaft clears clutch cover.
26. On all models, carefully lift engine and remove from vehicle.
27. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following torques: engine-to-transmission nuts and bolts, 34-40 ft.lbs.; torque converter bolts, 17-20 ft.lbs.; power steering pump bolts, 22-36 ft.lbs.; power steering pump pulley bolt, 31-46 ft.lbs.; front engine mount nuts, 17-27 ft.lbs.; center exhaust pipe-to-turbocharger and transmission bolts, 18-25 ft.lbs.; center exhaust pipe-to-rear exhaust pipe bolts, 9-17 ft.lbs.; front exhaust pipe-to-cylinder head bolts, 19-22 ft.lbs.; front exhaust pipe-to-bracket bolts, 18-25 ft.lbs.; radiator attaching bolts, 7-13 ft.lbs.; pitching stopper rod-to-body bolts, 27-49 ft.lbs.; pitching stopper-to-engine or transmission, 33-40 ft.lbs.