Transfer Case: Service and Repair
1. Remove transmission from vehicle. Refer to ``Transmission, Replace'' for procedure.
2. Disconnect return springs from release bearing holder.
Fig. 4 Exploded view of transfer & extension case. Exc. Justy:
3. Remove transfer case cover and gasket, Fig. 4.
4. Remove straight pin (5 x 22 mm) with punch, then transfer shifter rail and fork, ball (6.35 mm) and shifter fork rail spring.
5. Remove extension case assembly and transfer case rear gasket.
6. Secure transmission mainshaft, then remove locknut and transfer drive gear from drive pinion. Before turning locknut, be sure to release staked part of nut. Also, shift gear to ``1st'' position to prevent shaft from turning.
7. Remove transfer case assembly with gasket and shim. Retain shim for reinstallation.
1. Install transfer case assembly with new gasket and shim onto main transmission unit, then torque nuts to 20 ft.lbs. (2.7 kg-m). Transfer drive gear should be installed before tightening nuts.
2. Secure transmission mainshaft, then install and torque lock washer and nut to 58 ft.lbs. (8 kg-m). After tightening locknut, stake it to prevent turning.
3. Install extension assembly with new transfer case rear gasket, then torque bolts to 27.5 ft.lbs. (3.8 kg-m). When installing, transfer drive and driven gears should engage each other.
4. Install transfer shifter fork, rail spring and ball (6.35 mm), then shifter rail into transfer case.
5. Install straight pin into shifter fork, then transfer case cover and new gasket. Torque bolts to 14 ft.lbs. (2 kg-m).
6. Adjust neutral position as follows:
a. Insert a suitable bar through shifter arm hole and shift into 3rd gear position. The shifter arm should turn lightly toward 1st/2nd gear side but heavily toward reverse. Make adjustment so reverse side heavy stroke becomes same as 1st/2nd side light stroke.
b. To adjust, remove plug on transfer case and change thickness of aluminum gasket.
7. Fill internal groove of clutch release bearing holder with grease, then install clutch release fork and bearing holder and secure with return springs.
8. Install transmission.