Rear Window Defogger Grids - Metal Tab Repair
NUMBER: O7-5O-93RDATE: 12/02/94
This is a reprint of Service Bulletin 7-50-93 that includes additional information.
If you encounter a broken wiring tab connector from the rear window defogger grid, it is recommended the rear window NOT be replaced. The tab should be resecured using a commercially available repair kit.
One such repair kit is available from Premier Autoware under part # 37827. Phone # 1-800-854-6333. Other kits may be available through your local supplier.
Follow the instructions supplied with the repair kit to ensure a proper repair.
Rear window defogger grids can be repaired using a kit available from Loctite Corporation Part Number 13067.
Effective immediately, dealer warranty repairs will not be accepted for replacement of rear windows because of open defogger grids.
Repairs should not exceed 4 in length on any one line.
Diagnosis of Grids
Locate the exact point of the break in the grid line as follows:
1. Turn on ignition switch and rear window defogger switch.
2. Connect the positive lead of a voltmeter to the right rear window defogger grid contact.
3. With the negative voltmeter lead, touch the defogger grid line at its mid-point on the rear window.
a. If a reading of approximately 6 volts is obtained, the grid line is operative.
b. If a 12 volt reading is obtained, the break in the grid line is between the positive contact and the point where the negative voltmeter lead is touching the grid line. To locate the exact point of breakage, move the negative voltmeter lead slowly toward the positive side of the grid until a zero (0) reading is obtained.
c. If no voltage reading is observed, the break is between the negative side of the grid and the point where the negative voltmeter lead is touching the grid line. To locate the exact point of breakage, move the negative voltmeter lead slowly toward the negative side of the grid to the point where a +12 volt reading is just obtained.
4. Turn off rear defogger switch and ignition switch.
Repair Procedure (Read all manufacturer warnings.)
After the break in the grid line has been located, make repairs as follows:
1. Place protective covering over work area to prevent staining of upholstery in event of spillage of materials.
2. Make sure the glass is cleaned before attempting the repair.
3. The stencil enclosed in the kit is wider than the Subaru grids, therefore, electrical tape may be used to create the proper size stencil.
4. Thoroughly shake the bottle of conductive resin.
5. Apply the resin with the brush, making sure to overlap both ends of the broken line with the resin.
6. After the surface is tack free, about one (1) minute, repeat resin. Do this three (3) times. Recap the bottle of resin tightly.
7. Wait 20 minutes and then carefully remove the electrical tape.
8. Wait 24 hours before turning the defogger on.
9. Clean the brush for future applications using acetone.
* Sublet charges should be fair and reasonable.