92MY Legacy and SVX Ignition Relay
A production change has been made to the factory installation of the ignition relay at FHI and SIA. Starting with the following dates and VINS:Legacy FHI-10/17/91 N*605282 Sedan, N*904539 S/W SVX N*106286
SIA-01/02/92 N*614765 Sedan, N*914522 S/W
We are always looking for QMR information as to the effectiveness of production changes. If you encounter a Legacy or SVX with Codes 24 (ISC), 32 (Q2) and 35 (purge S.V.) or any combination of three fail codes and a customer complaint of cold start rough idle, swap the ignition relay. If this repairs the vehicle check the 92my VINs above. If the VIN is after the above VINS, send in a QMR.
Always use the Select Monitor to clear the memory after the repair is complete.