VIN Information
MEANING OF VIN - JF1KA72AXKB700001VIN Plate Location: Left side of instrument panel, visible through windshield, and under hood on firewall.
J Manufacturer and make
1 Type of vehicle (1 = passenger car)
K Line (K = Fuji Subaru J Line)
A Body type (A: 3-door hatchback, D: 5-door hatchback)
7 Series and engine type (7: 1.2L engine, 8: 1.2L engine 4WD)
2 Model (2: DL model, 3: GL model)
A Weight class and restraint system
X Check digit
K Model year (L: 1990)
B Plant of manufacturer and trans. type [1]
700001 Sequential number [2]
[1] B: Gunma - 5MT, C: Gunma - ECVT, D: Gunma - 4WD 5MT, F: Gunma - 4WD ECVT.
[2] 700001 and after: 3-door hatchback. 750001 and after: 5-door hatchback.