Recall - Door Latch Screws
NUMBER: WZR-44DATE: November 19, 1990
1990MY and 1991 MY Legacy Sedans and Station Wagons
Door Latch Screws
Subaru of America has determined that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in some 1990MY and 1991 MY Subaru Legacy Sedan and Station Wagon Models.
The defect is due to the front door latch screws becoming loose over the passage of time, causing the affected door not to latch properly. This condition, if not corrected, may possibly result in difficulty of opening the door and, once opened, failure of the door to latch. To prevent this potential condition from occurring, it is necessary to replace the screws of the front door latches with modified "lock tight" screws.
Involved are 1990MY and 1991 MY Subaru Legacy Sedans and Station Wagons within the VIN ranges:
Involved vehicles have been identified by Vehicle Identification Number Computer Listings. Computer listings contain the Vehicle Identification Number, owner name and address data, and are furnished to the dealers with this bulletin. Owner name and address data furnished will enable dealers to follow-up with owners involved in this campaign.
These listings may contain owner names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration Records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is a violation of law in several states. Accordingly, you are urged to limit the use of this listing to the follow-up necessary to complete this campaign. Any dealer not receiving a computer listing with the campaign bulletin has no involved vehicles currently assigned.
SOA will prepare and mail an Owner Notification Letter and a two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form to the owners of all potentially affected vehicles. The Owner Notification mailing is scheduled for late-November. A copy of the Owner Notification Letter and a sample two-part Certification/Repair Order Form are included in this bulletin.
Dealers are to promptly service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners. regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward. When you are presented a two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form by a Subaru owner, follow the instructions presented in the Service Procedure section of this bulletin.
Whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign or any open campaign is taken into new or used vehicle inventory, or it is in your dealership for service in the future, you should take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before reselling or releasing the vehicle.
Owners of vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory with the VIN range listed are to be contacted by the dealer, and arrangements should be made to make the required correction according to instructions contained in this bulletin.
Owners are being advised in the owner letter that in the event one of the doors will not close securely to contact their Subaru Dealer for towing arrangements and not to drive the vehicle. Please assist these owners as necessary.
Each Subaru Dealer will receive an initial quantity of the modified screws under separate cover. These allocations will be shipped on or about December 5, 1990.
Additional quantities of the modified screws will be available through your normal parts supply after December 10, 1990.
Dealers will receive an initial one (1) can of rust preventive free of charge. Additional cans will be available through normal parts supply at the below cost.
SERVICE PROCEDURE - Door Latch Screw Replacement
1) Verify that the vehicle is within the affected VIN ranges.
2) Check for the presence of a "Campaign Identification Label" indicating that the repair WZT-42 was completed.
3) Begin by opening the left front door.
4) Loosen and remove the two (2) lower screws on the latch,
5) Install the modified screws and tighten them moderately.
6) Loosen and remove the one (1) remaining upper screw.
7) Install a modified screw and tighten it to the specified torque*.
8) Tighten the lower screws to the specified torque*.
9) Lightly spray rust preventive on the head of each screw.
10) Repeat Steps 4-9 for the right hand door.
11) Apply a "Campaign Identification Label" properly filled out to the vehicle.
*Specified torque 4.4-7.4 n-m (0.45-0.75 kg-m, 3.3-5.4
Rust preventive spray will be supplied to each dealer for use in this campaign. One can is sufficient to repair approximately 200 vehicles.
Each vehicle corrected in accordance with the instructions outlined in this bulletin will require a "Campaign Identification label." Each label provides a space to include the five digit dealer code of the dealer performing the campaign service. This information may be inserted with a typewriter or ballpoint pen.
Each "Campaign Identification Label" is to be affixed to the "B" pillar in an area of the striker which will be visible when the vehicle is brought in for periodic servicing by the owner. Apply "Campaign Identification Label" only on a clean dry surface.
A quantity of 50 blank labels are being provided to each dealer with this bulletin.
Credit for the performance of the modified screw installation per the Service Procedure will be provided from the two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form. Therefore, it is very important that all information on the form be complete and correct.
All claims for reimbursement should follow the procedures outlined below.
You must complete the repairing dealer section of the two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form and remove and retain the first copy for your records.
Star System Dealers may enter the applicable information using the Campaign Claim (RY) routine.
Non Star System Dealers will be reimbursed upon submission of the remaining copy of the Recall Certification/ Repair Order Form to your Distributor/Region in an envelope with postage prepaid.
In the event a vehicle needs to be towed to a Subaru Dealer for repairs under this campaign, towing charges will be reimbursed using MSA-400A and labor operation 101-207, 0.0 hours, Failure code TOW-00. The override code for this campaign is WZR-44.
Dealers will be credited with 0.2 hours warranty labor plus dealer cost and handling allowance for the installation of six (6) modified screws based on the two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form. Retail states will receive reimbursement at suggested retail cost.
SUBARU OF AMERICA Subaru Plaza P.O. Box 6000 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000
December 1990
Dear Subaru Owner:
This notice is sent to you in accordance with the requirements of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
Subaru of America has determined that two (2) defects which relate to motor vehicle safety exist in some 1990MY and 1991 MY Sedan and Station Wagon models.
The first is due to the defroster lever pin becoming dislocated from the defroster shutter door which results in the defroster not operating.
This condition, if not corrected, could result in reduced visibility under high humidity and rainy/winter driving situations. As a temporary measure, your air conditioning system (if installed in your vehicle) could be used to clear the windows of moisture until the actual repair is performed.
In order to remedy this condition a retainer bracket will be installed on the defroster lever pin by your Subaru Dealer.
The parts needed for this repair are available at your Subaru dealer now. You should make an appointment at your convenience with your Subaru Dealer to have this repair procedure performed.
The time required to perform this repair procedure is approximately twelve (12) minutes. although additional repair time may be required if the defroster shutter door is cut of position. However, please plan to leave your vehicle at your Subaru Dealer for the full day of your scheduled appointment to allow the dealer some flexibility in scheduling other customers.
The repair procedure will be performed by your Subaru Dealer at no charge to you.
You must present the enclosed two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form identified by "WZT-42" to your dealer at the time this repair procedure is performed.
The second defect is due to the front door latch screws becoming loose over the passage of time, causing the affected door not to latch properly.
This condition, if not corrected, may possibly result in difficulty of opening the door and. once opened, failure of the door to latch. In the event that your automatic shoulder belt is rendered inoperable by this condition, please refer to Section "In Case of An Emergency" of your owner manual for instructions on how to manually operate your shoulder belt.
Remember to wear your lap and shoulder restraints at all times when operating your vehicle. Your lap belt must be fastened manually.
In the event one of the front doors will not close securely, please contact your Subaru Dealer for towing arrangements. Do not attempt to drive your vehicle.
In order to remedy this condition, modified screws will be installed to the front door latches to ensure proper torque and prevent them from loosening.
The parts needed for this repair will be available at your Subaru Dealer after December 15, 1990. You should make an appointment at your convenience with your Subaru Dealer after this date to have this repair procedure performed. The time required to perform this repair procedure is approximately 12 minutes. However, please plan to leave your vehicle at your Subaru Dealer for the full day of your scheduled appointment to allow the dealer some flexibility in scheduling other customers.
The repair procedure will be performed by your Subaru Dealer at no charge to you.
You must present the enclosed two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form identified by "WZR-44" to your dealer at the time this repair procedure is performed.
Your vehicle may only be involved in one of the above described recalls depending on the date it was manufactured and, if this is the case, you will only receive one (1) two-part Recall Certification/Repair Order Form. Your Subaru dealer can answer any questions regarding the applicability of these recall campaigns.
If you lose either of the Recall Certification/Repair Order Forms provided with this notification, please contact the Owner Service Department of the Subaru Distributor/Region responsible for your area shown in this letter. You will then be sent a new form. If you are no longer in possession of this vehicle, please complete the enclosed prepaid post card and mail it to us so that we may update our records.
If your dealer fails or is unable to remedy this condition without charge and within a reasonable period of time, you should contact the Subaru Distributor/Region responsible for your area. If your complaint is not resolved, you may contact Subaru of America, Owner Service Department at the above address or you may wish to notify the Administrator, national Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh Street, Washington, D.C. 20590 or call toll free the Auto Safety Hotline at 800-424-9393 (Washington, D.C. area residents may call 366-0123).
We regret any inconvenience this matter may cause you. However, we have taken this action in the interest of your safety and your continued satisfaction with our products.