Recall 94V052000: Transmission Vent Tube Freezing
When the vehicle is driven continuously under extremely cold temperatures (-22 degrees F.) and high humidity weather conditions, the transmission breathing (air) vent can be blocked due to moisture freezing at the oil level gauge. If this occurs, pressure inside the transmission case will increase and push out the rear oil seal, causing transmission oil leakage. The lack of lubrication can burn the internal components of the transmission, cause the transmission to seize and the vehicle to come to a sudden stop. Sudden stops without prior warning can cause vehicle occupants to be thrown around the vehicle and cause loss of vehicle control which can result in an accident.Dealers will modify the oil gauge pipe and modify the oil level gauge (dipstick) or replace it, depending on the type of dipstick in the vehicle.
System: Powertrain; Transmission; 5 speed.
Vehicle description: XT-6 and Legacy all-wheel drive 5-speed manual
transmissions and Loyale equipped with an on-demand 4 wheel drive 5-speed
transmissions; registered in the following states: AK, CT, DE, IL, IN, IA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT, WI.
Note: If your equipment is presented to an authorized dealer on an agreed upon service date and the remedy is not provided within a reasonable time and free of charge or the remedy does not correct the defect or noncompliance, please contact Subaru service at 1-800-782-2783. Also,
contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's auto safety hotline at 1-800-424-9393.