Cooling System: Service and Repair
Fig. 73 Air Vent Plug Location:
1. With engine cool, open radiator drain plug and drain coolant into a suitable container.
2. Remove radiator pressure cap. Never open cap with engine hot.
3. Remove and drain coolant reservoir.
4. If equipped, remove drain plug(s) from engine. When coolant is completely drained, install the plug(s).
5. Close radiator drain plug.
6. Install coolant reservoir.
7. On 2.2L/4-135 engine, remove air vent plug from radiator, Fig. 73.
8. On all engines, slowly add coolant to radiator until fluid level reaches filler neck.
9. Slowly add coolant to reservoir until fluid level reaches Full mark.
10. Install radiator and reservoir caps.
11. Start and run engine at 2000-3000 RPM. When operating temperature is achieved, stop the engine.
12. With engine cool, remove radiator and reservoir caps. Never open cap with engine hot.
13. Add coolant as needed until fluid level is as specified in steps 8 and 9.
14. Install radiator and reservoir caps.
15. On 2.2L/4-135 engine, install air vent plug.