Cylinder Block Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Remove cylinder head and related components.2. Remove crank angle and knock sensors.
3. Lock crankshaft using crankshaft stopper tool No. 498497200 or equivalent, then remove driveplate.
4. Remove oil separator cover.
5. Remove water by-pass pipe and pump.
6. Remove oil pump retaining bolts, then using a flat blade screwdriver, separate oil pump from cylinder block. Use caution not to scrape mating surfaces.
7. Position cylinder block with No. 2, 4 and 6 pistons facing upward.
8. Remove oil pan retaining bolts, then using oil pan cutter tool separate oil pan from cylinder block. Use caution not to scrape mating surfaces.
9. Remove oil strainer, baffle plate and oil filter.
10. Remove pistons as follows:
a. Remove service hole cover and plugs from both sides of crankcase.
b. Rotate crankshaft until pistons for No. 1 and No. 2 cylinders are at BDC.
c. Working through access holes, remove piston pin circlips for No. 1 and No. 2 pistons.
d. Using piston pin remover tool No. 499097500 or equivalent, withdraw piston pins for No. 1 and No. 2 pistons.
e. Rotate crankshaft until pistons for No. 3 and No. 4 cylinders are at BDC., then remove piston circlip in same manner through service hole of No. 1 and No. 2 cylinders.
f. Rotate crankshaft until pistons for No. 5 and No. 6 cylinder are at BDC., then remove piston circlip in same manner through service hole of No. 5 and No. 6 cylinders.
11. Separate crankcase as follows:
a. Remove crankcase half retaining bolts from No. 1, 3 and 5 cylinder side of block.
b. Loosen crankcase half retaining bolts from No. 2, 4 and 6 cylinder side of block. Do not remove bolts at this time.
c. Position crankcase so that cylinders No. 2, 4 and 6 face upward.
d. Remove retaining bolts and separate crankcase halves. Use caution so connecting rod will not damage cylinder block.
12. Remove rear oil seal.
13. Remove crankshaft and connecting rod assembly.
14. Remove crankshaft bearings from crankcase halves keeping them in order.
15. Mark and remove pistons from crankcase halves, and mate pistons with respective pins.
16. Remove connecting rod caps and rod bearings. Keep all components in order to ensure proper assembly. Components that are to be reused should be installed in original position.
17. Remove piston rings using a piston ring expander. Remove oil ring by hand.
18. Remove circlip.
19. Ensure all components are clean and free from foreign material, and that oil passages are clear. Coat all friction surfaces with oil or suitable assembly lubricant.
20. Connecting rod installation:
a. Seat connecting rod bearings in caps and rods, then coat bearing with clean engine oil.
b. Ensure connecting rod and cap matching marks are aligned, then install connecting rod assemblies with mark facing forward.
c. Lubricate connecting rod bolt threads and ensure bolts are properly seated in cap and that caps are fully seated against connecting rods.
d. Evenly tighten connecting rod nuts to specifications.
21. Piston ring installation:
a. Install oil ring spacer, upper rail and lower rail by hand, then the second ring and top ring with ring expander.
Fig. 42 Piston Ring Installation:
b. Position ring end gaps as shown in Fig. 42.
22. Install main bearings into crankcase halves, then coat bearing with clean engine oil.
23. Install crankshaft on No. 1, 3, and 5 cylinder block half.
24. Clean crankcase half mating surfaces with suitable solvent, then apply a thin bead of Three-Bond 1215 or equivalent sealant to No. 1, 3 and 5 crankcase half. Ensure sealant does not enter oil or coolant passages.
25. Install O-rings on grooves of No. 1, 3 and 5 cylinder block.
26. Guide No. 2, 4 and 6 crankcase half onto No. 1, 3 and 5 case, then install and torque retaining bolts as follows:
Fig. 52 Cylinder Block Tightening Sequence (No. 2, 4 & 6 Cylinder Block Side):
a. Torque bolts on No. 2, 4 and 6 cylinder side of block in sequence shown in Fig. 52, to 11 ft. lbs.
b. Tighten small bolt in crankcase, then position cylinder block horizontally.
Fig. 53 Cylinder Block Tightening Sequence (No. 1, 3 & 5 Cylinder Block Side):
c. Torque bolts on No. 1, 3 and 5 cylinder side of block in sequence shown in Fig. 53, to 11 ft. lbs.
d. Re-torque on No. 2, 4 and 6 cylinder side of block in sequence shown in Fig. 52, to 11 ft. lbs.
e. Torque bolts an additional 90°-110° on No. 2, 4 and 6 cylinder side of block in sequence shown in Fig. 52,
f. Torque bolts an additional 90°-110° on No. 1, 3 and 5 cylinder side of block in sequence shown in Fig. 53,
g. Tighten other connecting bolts to specifications.
27. Using oil seal installer No. 499587200 and oil seal guide No. 499597100 or equivalents, install rear oil seal.
28. Piston installation:
a. Prior to insertion, coat piston, piston pin and pin guide with clean engine oil.
b. With No. 1 and 2 cylinders facing upward, turn crankshaft until No. 3 and 4 connecting rods are positioned at BDC.
c. Insert piston into cylinder, align piston pin hole and connecting rod small end with pin guide tool No. 499017100 or equivalent, then install piston pin through access hole.
d. Install new piston pin circlip.
e. Repeat step 28 for cylinders 1 and 2, then 5 and 6 respectively.
29. Apply Three-Bond 1105 or equivalent sealant, then install service access hole plugs and cover with new gaskets.
30. Install baffle plate, oil strainer and O-ring.
31. Apply Three-Bond 1207F or equivalent sealant, then install oil pan.
32. Apply Three-Bond 1215B or equivalent sealant, then install separator cover with new gasket.
33. Install driveplate.
34. Remove front oil seal, then install new seal using oil seal installer No. 499587100 or equivalent.
35. Apply Three-Bond 1215B or equivalent sealant to oil pump to cylinder block mating surface. Align flat surface of inner rotor with crankshaft and install oil pump assembly with new seal and O-ring.
36. Install water pump with new gasket, water pipe and water by-pass.
37. Install oil filter.
38. Apply coat of clean engine oil to hydraulic lash adjuster sliding surface, then install adjusters.
39. Install cylinder head with new gasket. Torque cylinder head bolts as follows:
a. Coat bolt threads and washers with clean engine oil.
Fig. 51 Cylinder Head Installation Sequence:
b. Install and torque all bolts in sequence shown in, Fig. 51, to 22 ft. lbs.
c. Torque all bolts in sequence shown in, Fig. 51, to 51 ft. lbs.
d. Back off all bolts 180°, then back all bolts of an additional 180°.
e. Torque all bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 51, to 20 ft. lbs.
f. Torque bolts 1, 2, 3 and 4, 80°-90° in sequence shown in Fig. 51. Do not tighten bolts more than 90°
g. Torque bolts 5, 6, 7 and 8 in sequence shown in Fig. 51, to 33 ft. lbs.
h. Torque all bolts an additional 80°-90° in sequence shown in Fig. 51. Ensure total retightening angle (steps f and h) does not exceed 180°
40. Install camshafts, cylinder head covers and related parts.
41. Install exhaust manifold and gasket, then the collector and intake manifold assembly.
42. Connector blow-by, auxiliary air control valve and PCV hoses, then two water hoses from throttle body.
43. Install EGR valve, EGR pipe and back pressure transducer, then connect auxiliary air control valve connector.
44. Install timing belt and related components as outlined previously in this section.