1. Install belt tension adjuster:
- Insert stopper pin 1.5 mm (0.059 in) dia. into place while pushing tension adjuster rod into body using a press.
- Do not allow press pressure to exceed 9,807 N 1,000 kg 2,205 lb).
- Do not release press pressure until stopper pin is completely inserted.
- Push tension adjuster rod vertically.
- Temporarily tighten bolts while tension adjuster is pushed all the way to the right.
2. Install belt idlers.
3. Install timing belt:
- Using SPROCKET WRENCH, turn sprockets and align their alignment marks with marks of belt covers and oil pump.
- While aligning alignment mark on timing belt with marks on sprockets, position timing belt properly.
Note: Ensure belts rotating direction is correct.
- Install belt idler No. 2.
- Install belt idler.
- Loosen tension adjuster attaching bolts and move adjuster all the way to the left. Tighten the bolts.
- After ensuring that the marks on timing belt and sprockets are aligned, remove stopper pin from tension adjuster.
4. Install crankshaft pulley and belt cover:
- Install front belt cover.
- Install right-hand belt cover.
- Install left-hand belt cover.
- Install crankshaft pulley.
- Install pulley bolt. To lock crankshaft, use CRANK- SHAFT PULLEY WRENCH.
5. Install related parts:
- Install A/C compressor bracket.
- Install A/C compressor.
- Install A/C belt tensioner bracket.
- Install power steering pump bracket.
- Install alternator and V-belt cover bracket.
- Install power steering pump.
- Install V-belts.