Selective 4WD
Fig. 1 Transfer Case & Transfer Control System:
Fig. 2 Extension Section:
Refer to Figs. 1 and 2, when performing the following procedure.
1. Install transmission in a suitable holding fixture.
2. Remove two clutch sleeve clips from front of transmission, then the clutch release bearing.
3. Remove release dust cover, then the release lever retainer spring, from release lever, by pushing release lever from outside of main case. Use caution not to damage clutch sleeve clips and release lever retainer spring.
4. Remove release lever.
5. On dual range models, proceed as follows:
a. Turn ball stud on rear rod ball joint, with a suitable wrench, then remove rod ball joint from high-low fork rod.
b. Remove high-low shifter rod assembly by loosening 8mm nut on front rod ball joint.
6. On single range models, proceed as follows:
a. Using a suitable tool, drive out transfer shifter shaft and transfer shifter lever spring pin from right side of transfer case.
b. Remove transfer shifter lever from transfer shifter shaft.
c. Remove snap pin and 8mm clevis pin, then the cable from transfer shifter lever.
d. Remove five 8mm bolts from actuator and cable, then the actuator and cable assembly.
7. On all models, remove transfer cover attaching bolts, then the transfer cover.
8. On dual range models, proceed as follows:
a. Remove plug from right side of transfer case, then the spring and ball.
b. Place transfer shifter rod to LO position (4WD), then remove clip from transfer shifter rod using a suitable tool.
c. Place transfer shifter rod to HI position (4WD), then pull out rod holding transfer shifter fork. If fork moves, interlock plunger will operate making it impossible to pull out rod.
d. Remove interlock rod pin and clips using a suitable tool.
e. Turn interlock rod 90° and pull it out. Use caution not to drop shifter fork spring and ball.
f. Push high-low fork rod in until it butts up against front side.
g. Move transfer shifter fork until it comes out from transfer case hole containing switch.
h. Remove shifter fork by pulling it straight up. Use caution not to drop shifter fork ball, spring and interlock plunger.
i. Pull high-low fork rod backward, then remove it from transfer case. Use caution not to drop fork rod ball, spring and interlock plunger.
9. On single range models, proceed as follows:
a. Remove straight pin from transfer shifter fork using a suitable tool.
b. Turn transfer shifter rod 180°, then remove rod.
c. Move reverse checking sleeve .08-.12 inch (2-3mm) toward outside, then remove transfer shifter fork, transfer case check ball and check ball spring.
10. On all models, remove seven extension attaching bolts.
11. Remove extension and transfer gear assembly.
12. On single range models, remove transfer shifter shaft from right side of transfer case.
13. On all models, remove transfer case filler with gasket, then the reverse accent spring and ball.
14. Remove reverse check sleeve assembly attaching bolts, then move sleeve until it rotates freely.
15. Remove shifter fork screw from selector arm.
16. Remove transfer case and shifter assembly attaching bolts, then the transfer case and shifter assembly from transmission case by tapping with plastic hammer.
Fig. 3 Reverse Accent Shaft Chart:
1. Install transfer case and shifter assembly and eight attaching bolts. Torque attaching bolts to 18 ft. lbs. Ensure gasket is installed in rear of case.
2. Install selector arm to shifter arm and secure with shifter fork screw. Torque fork screw to 7 ft. lbs.
3. Install ball, reverse accent spring, gasket and plug. Torque plug to 7 ft. lbs.
4. Shift transmission into 3rd gear position, then ensure shifter arm turns lightly toward 1st/2nd gear side but heavily toward reverse gear side.
5. Adjust neutral position as necessary by removing bolts holding reverse check sleeve assembly to case, move sleeve assembly outward, and place adjustment shims between sleeve assembly and case to adjust clearance, Fig. 3. When shim is removed, neutral position will move closer to reverse. When shim is added, neutral position will move closer to 1st gear. Use caution not to break O-ring when replacing shim. Also, if shims cannot adjust clearance, replace accent shaft and repeat step 4.
Fig. 4 Reverse Check Plate Chart:
Fig. 5 Reverse Check Plate Adjustment:
6. Shift shifter arm to 5th and then to reverse to see if reverse check mechanism operates properly, then check to see if arm returns to neutral when released from reverse position. If arm does not return satisfactorily, replace reverse check plate, Figs. 4 and 5.
7. Install extension with transfer gasket, then the extension attaching bolts. Torque bolts to 25-30 ft. lbs. Ensure transfer drive and driven gears engage each other.
8. On all dual range models, proceed as follows:
a. Install interlock plunger, reverse fork arm spring and ball to high-low fork rod, then the oil seal on front of transfer case from rear side.
b. Install plunger, check ball spring and ball to transfer shifter fork.
c. Shift high-low fork rod to front side, then install transfer shifter fork assembly into coupling sleeve. Apply suitable oil to nylon portion of fork end.
d. Apply suitable grease to rail, then install O-ring to interlock rod and rod into transfer case.
e. Install two clips into interlock rod groove, then the knock pin into interlock rod hole by aligning holes of case and rod.
f. Install transfer shifter rod to transfer shifter fork, then the high-low fork rod through oil seal to rear of transfer case. Ensure high-low fork and rod contact each other during installation because interlock plungers are built into them.
g. Install clip to transfer shifter rod groove.
h. Install ball, checking ball spring, gasket and plunger to transfer case. Torque plug to 7 ft. lbs.
i. Install high-low shifter lever to high-low shifter shaft extending from righthand transmission case, then secure with straight pin.
j. Install lefthand threaded nut, adjusting rod screw, nut and ball joint assembly to front of high-low shifter rod.
Fig. 6 High-low Shifter Rod Assembly:
k. Install nut and ball joint assembly to rear of high-low shifter rod, Fig. 6. Point shorter straight section of high-low shifter rod toward front.
l. Install nut to rear ball joint assembly. Torque to 14 ft. lbs.
m. Install ball joint assembly to high-low fork rod. Torque ball joint to 14 ft. lbs.
n. Install threaded section of front ball joint assembly into hole in high-low lever. Torque nut with washer to 14 ft. lbs.
o. Torque rear ball joint with nut to 25 ft. lbs. Ensure bent section of high-low shifter rod is horizontal to transmission.
p. Place transfer shifter rod to 4WD LO position, then attach high-low fork rod to transfer case with stopper pin.
q. With rod ball joint assembly secure, turn rod adjusting screw counterclockwise, then turn it back 90° clockwise at point where ball joint movement becomes tight.
r. Tighten rear nut, then the front nut while holding rod ball joint assembly. Remove stopper pin after tightening nuts.
9. On single range models, proceed as follows:
a. Apply suitable oil to nylon pawl of fork, then install transfer shifter fork to coupling sleeve, aligning cutout section of fork with arm of transfer shifter shaft.
b. Install check ball spring and ball to transfer case. Use caution not to drop ball and spring into transfer case.
c. Apply suitable oil to transfer shifter rod, then install transfer shifter rod and rod spring pin. Ensure spring pin protrudes slightly beyond holes.
d. Connect end of cable and shifter lever with clevis pin and snap pin.
e. Install actuator and three actuator attaching bolts to left side of transmission case. Torque attaching bolts to 12 ft. lbs.
f. Install cable plate, two cable plate attaching bolts and washers on transfer case. Torque attaching bolts to 12 ft. lbs.
g. Connect transfer shifter lever to transfer shifter shaft.
h. Align hole in transfer shifter lever with hole in shifter shaft, then install spring pin using suitable tools.
i. Connect a hose to pipe on outside of actuator, then apply vacuum, using a suitable vacuum pump, to the actuator until cable is shortened as much as possible.
j. While applying vacuum pressure, turn turnbuckle in direction that shortens cable until it no longer turns, then back off turnbuckle 180° and torque two locknuts to 3.6 ft. lbs.
k. Operate actuator to ensure shifting from front wheel drive to 4WD is satisfactory.
l. Install transfer cover, gasket and gasket attaching bolts. Torque attaching bolts to 13-16 ft. lbs.
10. On all models, install retaining spring on release lever.
11. Install release lever pivot to lefthand transmission case attaching bolts. Torque attaching bolts to 12 ft. lbs.
12. Push release lever against pivot, then with lever held in position, twist it to left and right so that retaining spring moves into the stepped surface on rear of pivot. Ensure proper positioning of retainer spring through access window on case.
13. Install release bearing sleeve assembly and secure with two clutch sleeve clips.
14. Install dust release cover to case.