Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Remove drive belt, power steering pump, alternator and bracket.2. Remove timing belt and related components as outlined previously in this section.
3. Remove valve rocker assembly as outlined previously in this section.
4. Remove camshaft as outlined under Camshaft.
5. Disconnect spark plug wires, oil pressure switch electrical connector and blow-by hose.
6. Remove connector bracket retaining bolts, crank-angle and knock sensors.
7. Remove intake manifold and gasket.
8. Remove water pipe.
9. Separate cylinder head from cylinder block as follows:
Fig. 38 Cylinder Head Bolt Loosening Sequence:
a. Loosen cylinder head retaining bolts No. 1 and 3 as shown, Fig. 35. Do not remove bolts at this time.
b. Remove remainder of cylinder head retaining bolts in numerical order as shown Fig. 35.
c. Using a plastic hammer, tap on cylinder head while separating it from cylinder block.
d. Remove bolts No. 1 and 3 with cylinder head and gasket.
10. Remove valves from cylinder head using valve spring remover tool No.499718000, or equivalent. Use caution not to damage oil seals. Keep all parts in order of removal for proper installation.
11. For lefthand cylinder head, remove plug only if service is needed.
12. For lefthand cylinder head, install plug using oil seal installer tool No. 499587100, or equivalent.
13. For either cylinder head, install valves as follows:
a. Coat valve stem with clean engine oil and insert valve into valve guide. Use caution not to damage oil seal lip. Install all parts in same order as which they were removed.
b. Install valve spring with closed coil end facing cylinder head seat.
c. Use valve spring remover tool No. 499718000, or equivalent to compress valve spring and install retainer. Seat valve spring retainer by tapping it with a soft hammer.
14. Install camshaft and valve rocker assemblies.
15. Install cylinder head with new gasket.
Fig. 40 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
16. Using sequence shown in Fig. 36, tighten cylinder head bolts as follows:
a. Coat bolt threads and washers with clean engine oil.
b. Torque all six bolts to 22 ft. lbs.
c. Torque all bolts to 51 ft. lbs.
d. Loosen all bolts 180°, then loosen an additional 180°.
e. Torque bolts 1 and 2 to 25 ft. lbs.
f. Torque bolts 3, 4, 5 and 6 to 11 ft. lbs.
g. Tighten all bolts an additional 80°-90° in sequence. Do not tighten bolts more than 90°.
h. Tighten all bolts an additional 80°-90° in sequence. Ensure total retightening angle does not exceed 180°.
17. Install timing belt and related components.
18. Install water pipe.
19. Install intake manifold and gasket.
20. Install connector bracket retaining bolts, crank-angle and knock sensors.
21. Connect spark plug wires, oil pressure switch electrical connector and blow-by hose.
22. Install power steering pump, alternator and bracket.
23. Install drive belt. Refer to Drive Belt for belt routing and tension data. Drive Belt