Disassembly and Assembly
DISASSEMBLY1. Remove air intake duct.
2. Mount engine in suitable stands, drain coolant and engine oil, then reinstall drain plugs.
3. Disconnect high tension leads from spark plugs and ignition coil, and remove leads from support bracket.
4. Remove PCV and distributor vacuum hoses, wiring harness clips and ground terminal fastener, disconnect connectors and remove wiring harness.
5. Remove hold-down bolts and the distributor.
6. On models less A/C, loosen water pump pulley nut, then remove alternator and drive belt.
7. Disconnect electrical connector from oil pressure switch and air bleed hose from intake manifold.
8. Remove EGR pipe clamps, EGR cover and the EGR pipe.
9. Remove intake manifold assembly.
10. Remove power steering pump and alternator brackets.
11. Remove fuel injectors, if equipped.
12. Remove oil filler pipe, water pipes, air bleed hoses and stiffener.
13. Remove crankshaft pulley bolt. To prevent crank from turning, insert a screwdriver through the timing hole.
14. Remove crankshaft pulley by tapping it lightly with a suitable soft-faced hammer.
15. Remove oil pump and filter assembly.
16. Remove water pump pulley and pulley cover.
Fig. 15 Exploded View Of Cylinder Block Assembly:
17. Remove dipstick and dipstick tube, Fig. 15.
Fig. 16 Exploded View Of Timing Belt Cover Assembly:
18. Remove the left and right front timing belt covers, Fig. 16.
Fig. 17 Camshaft & Belt Drive Installation:
19. Loosen bolts securing timing belt tensioner to No. 1 cylinder, rotate tensioner to fully released position, then retighten bolts, Fig. 17.
20. Mark rotational direction, then remove timing belt.
21. Loosen bolts securing tensioner 2 to No. 2 cylinder, rotate tensioner to fully relaxed position using wrench 499007000, or equivalent, then retighten bolts.
22. Remove first crankshaft sprocket.
23. Mark rotational direction of remaining belt, then remove belt and second crankshaft sprocket.
24. Remove both belt tensioner assemblies along with tensioner springs.
25. Secure camshaft sprockets with suitable wrench, then remove sprocket retaining bolts and the sprockets.
26. Remove remaining timing belt covers.
27. Remove water pump, hose and pipe as an assembly.
28. Align oil pump sprocket notch with retaining bolt, then remove bolts and pump rotor assembly from cylinder block.
29. Remove clutch assembly and flywheel or automatic transaxle flex plate, as equipped, then the flywheel housing.
30. Remove spark plugs, camshaft covers and cover gaskets.
31. Evenly loosen bolts securing camshaft cases, then remove case, camshaft support and camshaft assemblies.
32. Remove rocker arms and hydraulic lifters, keeping components in proper order for assembly. Do not store lifters on their sides; keep them upright.
33. Remove cylinder head retaining bolts and the cylinder heads.
34. Remove service access plugs from cylinder block, then rotate crankshaft to bring Nos. 1 and 2 pistons to BDC.
35. Remove piston pin retainers through service openings, then withdraw piston pins using suitable remover.
36. Rotate crankshaft to position Nos. 3 and 4 pistons at BDC, then remove piston pin retainers and piston pins.
37. Remove all cylinder block retaining bolts except 10mm bolt under center crankshaft journal, and loosen the 10mm bolt until it can be turned by hand.
38. Position cylinder block assembly with cylinders No. 3 and 4 facing up, then separate left and right halves of block, Fig. 15.
39. Remove coolant passage O-ring and back-up ring from lefthand cylinder block, and front and rear oil seals from crankshaft.
40. Remove crankshaft and connecting rod assembly.
41. Mark and remove pistons from cylinder block halves, and mate pistons with respective pins. Keep all components in order to ensure proper assembly. Components that are to be reused should be installed in original position.
42. Remove main bearings from crankcase halves.
43. Remove oil relief plug, oil relief pipe and spring and the oil relief valve from camshaft case.
Ensure all components are clean and free from foreign material, and that oil passages are clear. Coat all friction surfaces with oil or suitable assembly lubricant, and coat seal lips with grease prior to assembly. Replace all gaskets, seals and damaged fasteners during assembly. Components that are to be reused should be installed in original position.
1. Install connecting rods as follows:
a. Seat bearings in connecting rods and rod caps. Ensure connecting rod and cap matching marks are aligned, and install connecting rod assemblies with crescent shaped mark facing forward.
b. Lubricate connecting rod bolt threads and ensure bolts are properly seated in cap and that caps are fully seated against connecting rods.
c. Evenly tighten connecting rod nuts to specifications.
2. Install piston ring and pin, proceed as follows:
a. Install oil ring spacer, upper rail, then the lower rail.
b. Using a suitable piston ring expander, install the second ring, then the top ring. Install compression rings with "N" or "R" mark facing up.
Fig. 18 Piston Ring Installation:
c. Stagger ring and oil expander gaps as shown in Fig. 18.
Fig. 19 Piston Pin Retainer Installation:
d. Install pin retainer in each piston as shown in Fig. 19.
3. Install valves as follows:
a. Coat valve stems with oil prior to installation and take care not to damage seal lips when inserting valves.
b. Install valve springs with close-coiled end toward cylinder head.
c. After releasing spring tension against valve key, tap valve stem with suitable mallet to ensure keys are seated in retainer and valve stem grooves.
4. Press new seals into camshaft support plates and install new O-rings.
5. Install oil pressure relief valve, spring, pipe and plug, and tighten plug to specifications.
6. Install woodruff key and press on distributor drive gear, if removed, securing camshaft in suitable holder. When pressing on distributor drive gear, do not support camshaft on end, as shaft may be distorted.
7. To install camshaft and crankshaft proceed as follows:
a. Insert camshafts into cases, then install support plate, seal and O-ring assemblies, Fig. 16. Tighten bolts and nuts to specifications.
b. Mount cylinder block halves on stands 498027000, or equivalent, installing bolts marked "R" into cylinder 1 and 3 section and bolts marked "L" into cylinder 2 and 4 section.
c. Seat main bearings into cylinder block webs, ensuring that tangs are properly engaged and that oil holes are properly aligned.
d. Install coolant passage O-ring and support ring in groove in lefthand cylinder block.
e. Install crankshaft assembly into lefthand cylinder block.
f. Apply liquid gasket compound Three-bond 1215, or equivalent to cylinder block mating surfaces, then align connecting rods and install righthand cylinder block assembly, ensuring that O-ring remains in place.
g. Tighten cylinder block bolts evenly, then lay block down and tighten bolts to specifications.
8. Install piston, proceed as follows:
a. Position cylinder block with cylinders 3 and 4 facing downward and rotate crankshaft until Nos. 1 and 2 connecting rods are at BDC. Take care not to mar cylinder walls when positioning connecting rods.
Fig. 20 Service Hole Location & Piston Pin Guide Tool:
b. Coat pistons and cylinder walls with assembly lubricant, install pistons No. 1 and 2, align pin bores in pistons and connecting rods using pin guide 399284300, or equivalent, Fig. 20, piston pins and retainers.
c. Invert cylinder block assembly, rotate crankshaft to position Nos. 3 and 4 connecting rods, then install Nos. 3 and 4 pistons, pins and retainers as outlined previously.
d. Apply Fuji-bond C sealer, or equivalent to service access plugs, install new aluminum sealing gaskets and access plugs. Tighten plugs to specifications.
9. Install cylinder head, proceed as follows:
a. Install new cylinder head gaskets and the cylinder heads, dip head bolts in oil and install all bolts hand tight.
Fig. 21 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
b. Tighten cylinder head bolts to specifications following sequence shown in Fig. 21. Torque each cylinder head bolt in three steps to 22 ft. lbs., then 43 ft. lbs., and finally 47 ft. lbs.
10. Secure oil strainer to cylinder block with new retaining clips.
11. Install oil pan and clutch housing cover with gasket positioned in between. Tighten bolts to specifications.
12. Press rear crankshaft seal into cylinder block using driver 499587000, or equivalent, then install flywheel housing and tighten bolts to specifications.
13. Install pitch stopper bracket on cylinder block and mount clip No. 3 on bracket.
14. Install flywheel or flex plate and reinforcement. Tighten bolts to specifications.
15. On manual transaxle models, install clutch and pressure plate assembly, ensuring that 0.0 markings on flywheel and pressure plate are spaced 180° apart, insert suitable alignment tool and evenly tighten pressure plate bolts to specifications.
16. Press seal into water pump, then install water pump along with new gasket.
Fig. 22 Oil Pump Installation:
17. Install oil pump, proceed as follows:
a. Ensure excess sealer is removed from oil pump rotor housing in cylinder block.
b. Apply small amount of Three-bond 1215 sealer, or equivalent to split line in housing as shown by arrows in Fig. 22.
c. Liberally coat housing with oil, then install outer rotor into housing in direction shown in Fig. 22.
d. Position oil pump pulley as shown in Fig. 22, then install pulley and front housing and ensure pulley rotates smoothly.
e. Install pressure switch or pressure gauge on oil pump, ensure gauge lead is properly routed along side of Nos. 1 and 3 cylinders.
18. Install belt cover seal lefthand No. 3 on cylinder block, Fig. 16.
19. Press new front crankshaft seal into block using suitable driver.
20. Install camshaft housing, proceed as follows:
a. Insert hydraulic lifters into proper bores, coat rocker arms with grease to aid retention, then mount rocker arms over lifters and valve stems.
b. Rotate crankshaft until timing mark on flywheel is aligned with pointer on housing and orient each camshaft pin so that pin faces up when assembly is installed on engine.
c. Install O-ring, if used and apply Three-bond sealer 1215, or equivalent to camshaft housing sealing groove.
d. Install camshaft and housing assemblies torquing retaining bolts evenly to specifications.
e. Install camshaft covers with gaskets torquing retaining bolts evenly to specifications.
21. Install timing belt cover as follows:
a. Install belt cover lefthand seal, belt cover No. 4 lefthand seal and belt cover mount on cover RR, then mount assembly on cylinder block ensuring that spacers are properly positioned, Fig. 16, and torque bolts to 4 ft. lbs.
b. Install belt cover No. 2 lefthand seal and mount on belt cover No. 2 lefthand, then mount assembly on cylinder block and camshaft housing, Fig. 16, and torque bolts to 4 ft. lbs.
c. Install belt cover righthand seal, No. 2 righthand seal and mount on belt cover No. 2 righthand, then mount assembly on cylinder head and camshaft cover, Fig. 16, and torque bolts to 4 ft. lbs.
d. Install camshaft sprockets and retaining bolts. While holding sprocket in position with a suitable wrench, tighten retaining bolts evenly to specifications.
22. Install belt tensioner, proceed as follows:
a. Connect tensioner spring to tensioner and mount assembly on righthand cylinder block, temporarily hand tightening bolts, Fig. 17.
b. Connect tensioner spring to mounting stud, tighten inner tensioner mounting bolt, then loosen bolt 1/2 turn.
c. Push tensioner down to stop, then tighten inner tensioner mounting bolt to secure position.
23. Install No. 2 belt tensioner, proceed as follows:
a. Connect tensioner spring to tensioner and mount assembly on lefthand cylinder block, temporarily hand tightening bolts, Fig. 17.
b. Connect tensioner spring to mounting stud, tighten upper tensioner mounting bolt, then loosen bolt 1/2 turn.
c. Raise tensioner to stop using suitable lever, then tighten lower tensioner mounting bolt to secure position.
24. Install No. 2 timing belt, proceed as follows:
a. Install belt idler on cylinder block taking care not to damage seal, and torque bolts to 29-35 ft. lbs., Fig. 17.
b. Install sprocket No. 2 on crankshaft.
Fig. 23 Flywheel Timing Mark Alignment:
Camshaft Timing Marks, Left Side (DRIVER'S SIDE):
c. Ensure center mark on flywheel is aligned with housing pointer, Fig. 23, and that timing mark on camshaft sprocket is aligned with notch in belt cover, Fig. 24.
d. Route timing belt No. 2 over crankshaft sprocket, oil pump sprocket, belt idler and camshaft sprocket in order, noting belt rotation direction and avoiding downward slackening of belt.
e. Loosen lower mounting bolt on tensioner No. 2, 1/2 turn, and press in on belt to ensure smooth movement of belt tensioner.
Fig. 25 Timing Belt Tension Specifications:
f. Apply torque shown in Fig. 25 to camshaft sprocket in counterclockwise direction using belt tension wrench 499437000.
g. While holding tension on camshaft sprocket, temporarily tighten tensioner No. 2 mounting bolts to secure position. Applying torque to camshaft sprocket sets belt tension to specifications. Care must be taken not to apply excessive force to sprocket, as excessive tension will reduce belt life.
h. Torque tensioner No. 2 mounting bolts to 13-15 ft. lbs., tightening lower mounting bolt first.
i. Ensure camshaft and flywheel timing marks are still properly aligned, Figs. 23 and 24.
25. Install righthand timing belt, proceed as follows:
a. Rotate crankshaft 1 revolution in clockwise direction from position where No. 2 belt was installed, realigning center flywheel timing mark with pointer, Fig. 23.
b. Install sprocket on crankshaft and align timing mark on camshaft sprocket with notch in belt cover.
c. Install timing belt over crankshaft and camshaft sprockets, noting direction of rotation and avoiding slack on upper run of belt.
d. Loosen inner bolt securing tensioner No. 1, 1/2 turn, pushing on belt to ensure smooth movement of tensioner.
e. Apply torque shown in Fig. 25 to camshaft sprocket in counterclockwise direction, using belt tension wrench 499437000.
f. While holding tension on sprocket, temporarily tighten tensioner mounting bolts to secure position.
g. Torque tensioner bolts to 13-15 ft. lbs., tightening outer bolt first.
h. Ensure sprocket and flywheel timing marks are still aligned.
26. Install seals and plug on belt cover "FR", Fig. 16, then mount belt cover on cylinder block.
27. Install crankshaft pulley. Tighten bolt to specifications.
28. Install water pump pulley and cover and temporarily tighten bolts.
29. Reverse remaining procedure to complete assembly.
30. Install distributor, proceed as follows:
Fig. 26 Timing Mark Alignment For Distributor Installation:
a. Rotate crankshaft until No. 1 piston is at TDC on compression stroke with timing marks aligned as shown in Fig. 26.
b. Align matching marks on distributor drive gear and housing to position distributor in firing position for No. 1 cylinder.
c. Insert distributor and ensure rotor contact points toward No. 1 cylinder contact in cap.