Engine: Service and Repair
1. Relieve fuel system pressure as outlined under Technican Safety Information.2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then raise and support vehicle.
3. Remove undercover, then drain cooling system.
4. Disconnect radiator hose from thermostat, then the transaxle lines from radiator.
5. Lower vehicle. Remove V belt cover, then disconnect radiator hose from water pipe.
6. Disconnect cooling fans electrical connectors, then remove radiator assembly.
7. Properly discharge A/C system.
8. Disconnect and plug discharge and suction hoses. Ensure care is taken not to loose O-ring in low pressure hose.
9. Remove collector cover, air intake boot, air cleaner upper cover and air filter.
10. Disconnect accelerator and cruise control cables.
11. Disconnect the following electrical connectors; engine harness, ignition coil, oxygen sensors, vehicle speed sensor 2, power steering, engine ground, alternator and A/C compressor.
12. Disconnect brakes booster, heater and power steering hoses.
13. Remove emission canister and bracket, then raise and support vehicle.
14. Remove oxygen sensor, then the front exhaust pipe and rear catalyst converter.
15. Disconnect transaxle cooler hose from pipe on transaxle.
16. Remove lower starter mounting nut, then the lower transaxle to engine nuts.
17. Remove front cushion rubber to front crossmember mounting nuts, then separate torque converter from driveplate.
18. Remove pitching stopper from bracket, then disconnect fuel hoses.
19. Support engine with suitable lifting device and transaxle with suitable stand.
20. Remove upper side transaxle to engine bolts.
21. Slightly raise engine and transaxle, then remove engine from vehicle.
22. Reverse procedure to install noting the following:
Fig. 5 Front Rubber Cushion Installation:
a. When tightening front rubber cushion mounting bolts ensure they are positioned as shown in Fig. 5.
b. Tighten bolts and nuts to specification.
c. Refer to Drive Belt for belt routing and tension data.
d. Refer to Cooling System / Service and Repair for drain and refill procedure.