Vacuum Pump: Testing and Inspection
1. Measure resistance of vacuum pump and valve.
1. Disconnect connector from vacuum pump and valve.
2. Measure resistance between each terminal of vacuum pump and valve.
Terminals / Specified resistance:
No.2 - No.3 / 46 Ohm (Vacuum pump motor)
No.2 - No.1 / 69 Ohm (Air valve)
No.2 - No.4 / 69 Ohm (Release valve)
2. Check for leakage and sticking of vacuum valve.
1. Disconnect connector from vacuum pump and valve.
2. Make sure that cruise control cable moves smoothly when connecting + (positive) battery cable to terminal No.2 and - (negative) battery cable to terminals No.1, 3 and 4 of vacuum pump and valve connector.
Stroke: 35 mm (1.38 in)
Movement time: Within 3 seconds
3. When the battery cable is disconnected from condition 2. above, make sure the cable returns to its original position smoothly.
Movement time: Within 1.5 seconds
4. Connect battery to each terminal and check cable movement.