Rear Wheel Toe-In
Using a toe gauge, measure rear wheel toe-in.
Toe-in: 0 ± 3 mm (0 ± 0.12 in)
2) Mark rear sides of left and right tires at height corresponding to center of spindles and measure distance "B" between marks.
3) Move vehicle forward so that marks line up with front sides at height corresponding to center of spindles.
4) Measure distance "A" between left and right marks.
Toe-in can then be obtained by the following equation:
B-A Toe-in
- Adjustment
1) Remove cap from lateral link and loosen self-locking nut.
- When loosening or tightening adjustment bolt, hold bolt head and loosen self-locking nut.
- Replace self-locking nut with a new one.
2) Using two wrenches, turn adjusting wheel and adjusting bolt equally in opposite directions so that toe-in is at the middle value of specification.
- When toe-ins for left and right wheels are adjusted at the same time moving one scale graduation changes toe-in by approximately 4 mm (0.16 in.)
- Turn adjusting wheel and adjusting bolt equally in opposite directions so that same scale graduations are positioned directly above center of the adjusting boll.
3) Tighten self-locking nut.
Tightening torque:
137 ± 20 Nm (14 ± 2 kg-m, 101 ± 14 ft-Ib.)