Electrical/Brakes - Mercury Switch Disposal
NUMBER: 11-74-05DATE: 05/24/05
1990-1995MY Subaru Legacy
1993-1996MY Subaru Impreza
Mercury-Added Part Removal From End-of-Life Vehicles
Environmental laws in some states require vehicle dismantlers, recyclers or scrap recycling facilities to remove certain mercury switches during vehicle "end-of-life" processing. This Bulletin provides instructions for the identification, removal and proper disposal of mercury switches found on a limited number of older Subaru vehicles. Some state requirements may also include provisions for automobile manufacturers to develop a mercury switch removal collection program for end-of-life vehicles, which have been sent to a vehicle recycler or a scrap recycling facilities.
Mercury is considered a harmful substance. If not removed from vehicles properly; it can pollute the environment and endanger your health.
A mercury switch is defined as a part containing a mercury-added capsule or "bullet" that is part of a convenience light switch assembly or part of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) installed in a vehicle.
A small number of older Subaru Legacy and Impreza vehicles equipped with F4WD or AWD manual transmission and ABS were built with an ABS G-sensor that contains two mercury-capsules. Convenience light switches used on Subaru vehicles do not contain mercury.
The affected Subaru model-lines containing the ABS-G-sensor are listed below:
^ 1990-1995 Subaru Legacy models equipped with a Full-Time 4WD or All-Wheel-Drive manual transmission (5 MT) with optional ABS.
^ 1993-1996 Subaru Impreza models equipped with a Full-Time 4WD or All-Wheel-Drive manual transmission (5 MT) with optional ABS.
Switch Location & Removal
Use extreme care when removing parts containing mercury. It can accumulate in your body and may cause severe illness or in some cases death.
The ABS G-sensor switch is located on the right front wheel apron.
^ Disconnect the wire harness connector from the switch and mounting hardware (two screws).
^ The mercury containing capsules must remain within the ABS G-sensor until proper disposal. If the capsule is accidentally broken causing the mercury to be released, immediately contact your local, state, and/or federal authorities for proper clean-up procedures in handling hazardous waste.
Mercury Storage
Do not disassemble the ABS G-sensor assembly.
Please place a tag on the removed switch. The tag should include the following information:
1) The words: "Subaru mercury switch collection".
2) Your company name.
3) Vehicles 17 digit VIN.
4) Date of removal.
Place the removed part assembly in a properly marked "Universal Waste" collection container. This container must be covered and kept in a secure dry disposal storage area until pick-up by an authorized recovery facility.