Clockspring Assembly / Spiral Cable: Service and Repair
Combination SwitchREMOVAL
1. Turn ignition switch off.
2. Disconnect ground cable from battery and wait for at least 20 seconds before starting work.
3. Remove lower cover. Disconnect airbag connector (AB3) and (AB8) below steering column.
CAUTION: Do not reconnect airbag connector at steering column until combination switch is securely re-installed.
4. Disconnect combination switch connectors from body harness connector.
5. Set front wheels in straight ahead position. Remove covers from both sides of steering wheels. Using TORX© BIT T30 (Tamper resistant type), remove four TORX© bolts.
6. Disconnect airbag connector and horn connector on back of airbag module. Remove airbag module, and place it with pad side facing upward.
7. Using steering puller, remove steering wheel.
CAUTION: Do not allow connector to interfere when removing steering wheel.
8. Remove steering column covers.
9. Removing two retaining screws, remove combination switch.
Note: Before installing combination switch and steering gearbox, make sure to center roll connector built into combination switch.
1. Make sure that front wheels are positioned straight ahead.
2. Install gearbox, steering shaft and combination switch properly. Turn roll connector pin clockwise until it stops.
3. Then, back off roll connector pin approximately 2.65 turns until "CENTER" appears on indicator with "Arrow" marks aligned.
1. Before installing combination switch, check to ensure that combination switch is off and front wheels are set in the straight ahead position.
CAUTION: Failure to do this might damage roll connector.
2. Install column cover and center roll connector.
3. Install steering wheel in neutral position. Carefully insert roll connector pin into hole on steering wheel.
NOTE: If steering wheel angle requires fine adjustment, adjust tie-rod.
4. Install airbag module and lower cover in the reverse order of removal.