Disassembly1. External Parts
1. Place the transmission unit on a work bench, with the oil pan facing down.
Caution: Be careful not to bend or damage external parts.
2. Remove the drain plug, and drain differential oil. Tighten the plug temporarily after draining.
3. Remove the drain plug, and drain Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF). Tighten the plug temporarily after draining.
4. Extract the torque converter clutch assembly.
^ Extract the torque converter clutch horizontally. Be careful not to scratch the bushing inside the oil pump shaft.
^ Note that oil pump shaft also comes out.
5. Remove the input shaft.
6. Remove the pitching stopper bracket.
7. Remove harnesses from bracket.
8. Disconnect the air breather hose.
9. Remove the oil charger pipe, and remove the O-ring from the flange face. Attach the O-ring to the pipe.
10. Remove the oil cooler inlet and outlet pipes.
Caution: When removing outlet pipes, be careful not to lose balls and springs used with retaining screws.
2. Separation Of Each Section
1. Separation of torque converter clutch case and transmission case sections
^ Be careful not to damage the oil seal and bushing inside the torque converter clutch case by the oil pump cover.
^ Be careful not to lose the rubber seal.
Note: Separate these cases while tapping lightly on the housing.
2. Separation of transmission case and extension sections
1. Remove vehicle speed sensor 1 (rear).
2. Separation of transmission case and extension case sections
3. Transmission Case Section
1. Remove the reduction driven gear.
1. Straighten the staked portion, and remove the lock nut.
Note: Set the range selector lever to "P".
2. Using the ST1 and ST2, extract the reduction driven gear.
ST1 499737000 PULLER
ST2 899524100PULLER SET
3. Using the ST, extract the reduction drive gear.
ST 499737100 PULLER SET
2. Remove transfer valve body and duty solenoid C (Transfer).
1. Disconnect connector from duty solenoid C (Transfer).
2. Remove transfer valve body and duty solenoid C (Transfer).
3. Pull out inlet filter
3. Remove the parking pawl, return spring and shaft.
4. Loosen the taper roller bearing mounting bolts.
5. Place two wooden blocks on the workbench, and stand the transmission case with its rear end facing down.
^ Be careful not to scratch the rear mating surface of the transmission case.
^ Note that the parking rod and drive pinion protrude from the mating surface.
6. Remove the oil pan.
Note: Use a scraper to remove oil pan.
7. Disconnect the harness connectors for the solenoids, duty solenoids, ATF temperature sensor and the ground cord.
8. Remove the control valve body.
Caution: When removing control valve body, be careful not to interfere with transfer duty solenoid C wiring.
9. Remove vehicle speed sensor 2 (front) and torque converter turbine speed sensor.
10. Remove transmission harness.
11. Remove the oil pump housing.
Caution: Be careful not to lose the total end play adjusting thrust washer.
12. Remove 2-4 brake seal.
13. Take out the high clutch and reverse clutch assembly.
Caution: Be careful not to lose thrust needle bearing.
14. Take out the high clutch hub and the thrust bearing.
15. Take out the front sun gear and the thrust bearing.
16. Pull out leaf spring.
Caution: Be careful not to bend leaf spring during removal.
Note: Remove it while pressing down on lower leaf spring.
17. Remove snap ring and thrust needle bearing.
18. Take out retaining plate, drive plate and driven plate of 2-4 brake.
19. Take out the thrust needle bearing, planetary gear assembly and the low clutch assembly.
20. Remove snap ring.
21. Take out 2-4 brake spring retainer.
22. Take out 2-4 brake piston and piston retainer.
Caution: When removing the brake piston 2-4 and piston retainer, be careful not to rub or bump them against the transmission case.
23. Separate 2-4 brake piston and piston retainer.
24. Pull out leaf spring.
Caution: Be careful not to bend leaf spring during removal.
25. Remove snap ring.
26. Take out retaining plate, drive plate, driven plate and dish plate.
27. Turning the case upside down, take out the one-way clutch inner race, retainer and wave spring.
Note: After loosening all socket bolts, place the side of the transmission case on the floor.
28. Take out the low & reverse piston by applying compressed air.
29. Using ST, remove ATF filter.
Note: If any of the clutches or brakes are abnormally worn, replace ATF filter and oil seal with new ones.
30. Pull off the straight pin of manual lever.
31. Remove bolts securing select lever, then remove select lever, manual lever and parking rod.
Caution: Be careful not to damage the lips of the press fitted oil seal in the case.
32. Remove the detention spring.
33. Remove the inhibitor switch.
34. Remove parking support.
4. Torque Converter Clutch Case Section
1. Wrap the axle shaft serration with vinyl tape.
2. Remove the differential side retainer with ST.
Caution: Hold the differential case assembly by hand to avoid damaging retainer mounting hole of the torque converter clutch case and speedometer gears.
ST 499787000 WRENCH ASSY
3. Extract the axle shaft with ST1 and ST2.
Caution: Do not reuse the circlip.
ST1 499095500 REMOVER
ST 2499247300INSTALLER
4. Remove the differential case assembly.
^ Remove the seal pipe if it is attached. (Reusing is not allowed.)
^ Be careful not to damage the retainer mounting hole of the torque converter clutch case and the speedometer gears.
5. Extension Section
1. Take out the transfer clutch by lightly tapping the end of the rear drive shaft.
Caution: Be careful not to damage the oil seal in the extension.
2. Remove the transfer pipe.
Caution: Be careful not to bend the pipe.