Low Clutch Drum and Planetary Gear
1. Remove snap ring from the low clutch drum.
2. Take out front planetary carrier and thrust needle bearing from low clutch drum.
3. Take out rear sun pear.
4. Take out rear planetary carrier, washer and thrust needle bearing.
5. Take out rear internal gear.
6. Remove the snap ring from the low clutch drum.
7. Remove the retaining plate, drive plates, driven plates and dish plate.
8. Compress the spring retainer, and remove the snap ring from the low clutch drum, by using ST1 and ST2.
ST1 498627100 SEAT
ST2 398673600 COMPRESSOR
9. Install the one-way clutch inner race to the low clutch drum, and apply compressed air to remove the low clutch piston.
10. Remove the one-way clutch inner race.
11. Remove the one-way clutch after taking out the snap ring.
12. Remove the needle bearing after taking out the snap ring.
1. Drive plate facing for wear and damage
2. Snap ring for wear, return spring for setting and breakage, and snap ring retainer for deformation
3. Lip seal and lathe cut ring for damage
4. Piston and drum check ball for operation
1. Install lathe cut seal ring to low clutch piston.
2. Fit the low clutch piston to the low clutch drum.
3. Install spring retainer to low clutch piston.
4. Install ST to low clutch drum.
5. Set the cover on the piston with a press using ST1 and ST2, and attach the snap ring.
CAUTION: Be careful not to fold cover seal during installation.
NOTE: After installing snap ring, remove ST1, ST2 and ST3.
ST1 498627100 SEAT
ST2 398673600 COMPRESSOR
6. Install the dish plate, driven plates, drive plates, and retaining plate, and secure with the snap ring.
NOTE: Pay attention to the orientation of the dish plate.
7. Check the low clutch for operation. Set the one-way clutch inner race, and apply compressed air for checking.
8. Checking low clutch clearance Measure the gap between the retaining plate and the operation of the low clutch.
NOTE: Before measuring clearance, place the same thickness of shim on both sides to prevent retaining plate from tilting. If the clearance is out of the specified range, select a proper retaining plate so that the standard clearance can be obtained.
Standard value: 0.7 - 1.1 mm (0.028 - 0.043 inch)
Allowable limit: 1.6 mm (0.063 inch)
9. Install washer to rear internal gear.
10. Install rear internal gear.
11. Install thrust needle bearing.
CAUTION: Install thrust needle bearing in the correct direction.
12. Install washer to rear planetary carrier.
NOTE: Make sure washer tooth is inserted into hole on planetary carrier.
13. Install rear planetary carrier to low clutch drum.
14. Install thrust needle bearing to rear planetary carrier.
CAUTION: Install thrust needle bearing in the correct direction.
15. Install rear sun gear.
NOTE: Pay attention to the orientation of the rear sun gear.
16. Install thrust needle bearing to front planetary carrier.
NOTE: Pay attention to the orientation of the thrust needle bearing.
17. Install front planetary carrier to low clutch drum.
18. Install snap ring to low clutch drum.
19. Install the needle bearing, and secure with the snap ring.
20. Install the one-way clutch, one-way clutch inner race and plate, and secure with the snap ring.
NOTE: Set the inner race. Make sure that the forward clutch is free in the clockwise direction and locked in the counterclockwise direction, as viewed from the front of the vehicle.