Steering Gear: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Set the vehicle on the lift.
2. Disconnect battery minus terminal.
3. Remove air intake duct.
4. Loosen front wheel nut.
5. Lift vehicle and remove front wheels.
6. Remove front exhaust pipe assembly.
WARNING: Be careful, exhaust pipe is hot.
7. Using a puller, remove tie-rod end from knuckle arm after pulling off cotter pin and removing castle nut.
8. Remove jack-up plate and front stabilizer.
9. Remove one pipe joint at the center of gearbox, and connect vinyl hose to pipe and joint. Discharge fluid by turning steering wheel fully clockwise and counterclockwise. Discharge fluid similarly from the other pipe.
10. Remove universal joint.
11. Disconnect pipes C and D from pipe of gearbox.
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage these pipes.
NOTE: Disconnect upper pipe D first, and lower pipe C second.
12. Remove clamp bolts securing gearbox to crossmember, and remove gearbox.
1. Insert gearbox into crossmember, being careful not to damage gearbox boot.
2. Tighten gearbox to crossmember bracket via clamp with bolt to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 59 Nm (6.0 kgf-cm, 43 ft. lbs.)
3. Install universal joint.
4. Connect tie-rod end and knuckle arm, and tighten with castle nut. Fit cotter pin into the nut and bend the pin to lock.
Castle nut tightening torque: Tighten to 27.0 Nm (2.75 kgf-cm, 19.9 ft. lbs.), and tighten further within 60° until cotter pin hole is aligned with a slot in the nut.
CAUTION: When connecting, do not hit cap at the bottom of tie-rod end with hammer.
5. Install front stabilizer to vehicle.
6. Install front exhaust pipe assembly.
7. Align center of roll connector.
CAUTION: Ensure that front wheels are set in straight forward direction.
8. Install steering wheel.
9. Install tires.
10. Tighten wheel nuts to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 88 Nm (9.0 kgf-cm, 65 ft. lbs.)
11. Install air intake duct.
12. Connect ground cable to battery.
13. Pour fluid into oil tank, and bleed air.
14. Check for fluid leaks.
15. Install jack-up plate.
16. Lower vehicle.
17. Check fluid level in oil tank.
18. After adjusting toe-in and steering angle, tighten lock nut on tie-rod end.
Tightening torque: 83 Nm (8.5 kgf-cm, 61.5 ft. lbs.)
CAUTION: When adjusting toe-in, hold boot as shown to prevent it from being rotated or twisted. If twisted, straighten it.
1. Disconnect four pipes from gearbox.
NOTE: Remove pipes E and F as a single unit being fixed at the clamp plate.
2. Secure gearbox removed from vehicle in vice using ST.
ST 926200000 STAND
CAUTION: Secure the gearbox in a vice using the ST as shown. Do not attempt to secure it without this ST.
3. Remove tie-rod end and lock nut from gearbox.
4. Remove small clip from boot using pliers, and move boot to tie-rod end side.
5. Remove boot together with large clips
6. Extend rack approximately 40 mm (1.57 inch) out. Unlock lock wire at lock washer on each side of tie-rod end using a standard screwdriver.
CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch rack surface as oil leaks may result.
7. Using ST, loosen lock nut.
ST 926230000 SPANNER
8. Tighten adjusting screw until it no longer tightens.
9. Using a wrench [32 mm (1.26 inch) width across flats] or adjustable wrench, remove tie-rod.
^ Check ball joint for free play, and tie-rod for bends. Replace if necessary.
^ Check dust seals used with tie-rod end ball joint for damage or deterioration. Replace if necessary.
10. Loosen adjusting screw and remove spring and sleeve.
CAUTION: Replace spring and/or sleeve if damaged.
11. Remove two bolts securing valve assembly.
12. Carefully draw out input shaft and remove valve assembly.
13. Draw out pinion and valve assembly from valve housing, as necessary, using pipe of I.D. 44 to 46 mm (1.73 to 1.81 inch) and a press.
14. Using a sharp pointed pliers, rotate the rack stopper in the direction of the arrow until the end of the circlip comes out of the stopper. Rotate the circlip in the opposite direction and pull it out.
15. Pull rack assembly from cylinder side, and draw out rack bushing and rack stopper together with rack assembly.
CAUTION: Be careful not to contact rack to inner wall of cylinder when drawing out. Any scratch on cylinder inner wall will cause oil leakage.
16. Remove rack bushing and rack stopper from rack assembly.
CAUTION: Do not reuse removed rack bushing and circlip.
CAUTION: Use only SUBARU genuine grease for gearbox.
Specified grease for gearbox: VALIANT GREASE M2 (Part No. 003608001)
1. Fixing rack housing Fix rack housing in vice using ST.
ST 926200000 STAND
^ When fixing rack housing in vice, be sure to use this special tool. Do not fix rack housing in vice using pad such as aluminum plates, etc.
^ When using old rack housing, be sure to clean and remove rust before assembling. Check pinion housing bushing carefully.
2. Fit ST over toothed portion of rack assembly, and check for binding or unsmooth insertion. If any deformation is noted on flats at the end of rack, shape by using file, and wash with cleaning fluid.
ST 926390001 COVER & REMOVER
3. Apply genuine grease to teeth of thoroughly washed rack assembly, and fit ST over the toothed portion.
^ Be careful not to block air passage with grease. Remove excessive grease.
^ After fitting cover, check air passage hole for clogging. If clogged, open by removing grease from the hole.
^ Check rack shaft for damage.
^ Apply specified power steering fluid to this ST and surface of piston ring to prevent seal from being damaged.
4. Insert rack assembly into rack housing from cylinder side, and remove ST after it has passed completely through oil seal.
NOTE: Before inserting rack assembly, apply a coat of specified power steering fluid to surfaces of ST and rack piston.
ST 926390001 COVER & REMOVER
5. Fit ST1 and ST2 over the end of rack, and install rack bushing.
ST1 926400000 GUIDE ST2 927660000 GUIDE
^ If burrs, or nicks are found on this guide and rack shaft portion, remove by filing.
^ Dip rack bushing in specified power steering fluid before installing, and pay attention not to damage O-ring and oil seal.
6. Insert rack stopper into cylinder tube until internal groove (on cylinder side) is aligned with external groove (on rack stopper). Turn rack stopper with ST so that rack stopper hole is seen through cylinder slits.
7. Insert rack stopper into rack housing, and wrap circlip using a sharp pointed pliers to secure rack stopper in position.
CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch rack while winding circlip.
NOTE: Rotate wrench another 90 to 180° after the end of circlip has been wrapped in.
8. Fit mounting rubber onto rack housing.
9. Apply genuine grease to pinion gear and bearing of valve assembly.
10. Install gasket on valve assembly. Insert valve assembly into place while facing rack teeth toward pinion.
CAUTION: Be sure to use a new gasket.
NOTE: Do not allow packing to be caught when installing valve assembly.
11. Tighten bolts alternately to secure valve assembly.
Tightening torque: 25 Nm (2.5 kgf-cm, 18.1 ft. lbs.)
CAUTION: Be sure to alternately tighten bolts.
12. Clean all parts and tools before reassembling.
13. Apply grease to teeth of rack so that grease applied is about as high as teeth, and also apply a thin film of grease to sliding portion of rack shaft.
^ When moving rack to stroke end without tie rod attached, prevent shocks from being applied at the end.
^ Do not apply grease to threaded portion at end of rack shaft.
^ Move rack shaft to stroke end two 2 or three 3 times to squeeze grease which accumulates on both ends. Remove grease to prevent it from choking air passage hole.
14. Apply grease to sleeve insertion hole.
15. Apply grease to dust seal insertion hole.
CAUTION: Apply clean grease with clean hands. If material having a sharp edge is used for applying grease, oil seal at the inside might be damaged.
16. Press-fit dust seal into gearbox housing while tapping it via a spanner or the like so that stepping between gearbox and dust seal is normally 2 mm (0.08 inch).
Depth: A 2 mm (0.08 inch)
17. Apply grease to sliding surface of sleeve and spring seat, then insert sleeve into pinion housing. Fit spring into sleeve screw, pack grease inside of screw, then install the screw.
18. Install lock washers and tighten left and right tie-rods into rack ends.
On condition L: Approximately 40 mm (1.57 inch)
Tightening torque: 78 ± 10 Nm (8.0 ± 1.0 kgf-cm, 58 ± 7 ft. lbs.)
19. Bend lock washer using a chisel.
CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch rack when bending lock washer.
20. Rack and pinion backlash adjustment
1. Loosen adjusting screw.
2. Rotate input shaft so that rack is in the straight ahead direction.
3. Apply grease to sleeve.
4. Tighten adjusting screw by two threads.
5. Apply liquid packing to at least 1/3 of entire perimeter of adjusting screw thread.
Liquid packing: THREE BOND 1141
6. Tighten adjusting screw to 7.4 Nm (0.75 kgf-cm, 5.4 ft. lbs.) and back off 25°.
7. Install lock nut. While holding adjusting screw with a wrench, tighten lock nut using ST
ST 926230000 SPANNER
Tightening torque (Lock nut): 39 Nm (4.0 kgf-cm, 29 ft. lbs.)
^ Hold adjusting screw with a wrench to prevent it from turning while tightening lock nut.
^ Make adjustment so that steering wheel can be rotated fully from lock to lock without binding.
21. Check for service limit. Make replacement and adjustment if necessary.
22. Fit clip (large) to boot, and then install boot to gearbox while holding boot flange. After installing boot, fold back boot flange to the extent that large clip cannot be seen.
23. Turn boot until it seats well on gearbox and rubber mounting, then bend boot flange back.
24. Fix boot end with clip (small).
CAUTION: After installing, check boot end is positioned into groove on tie-rod.
25. If tie-rod end was removed, screw in lock nut and tie-rod end to screwed portion of tie-rod, and tighten lock nut temporarily in a position as shown in figure.
Installed tie-rod length: L 15 mm (0.59 inch)
NOTE: Pay attention to difference between right and left tie-rod ends.
26. Inspect gearbox as follows: "A" Holding tie-rod end, repeat lock to lock two or three times as quickly as possible. "B" Holding tie-rod end, turn it slowly at a radius one or two times as large as possible. After all, make sure that boot is installed in the specified position without deflation.
27. Remove gearbox from ST
ST 926200000 STAND
28. Install four pipes on gearbox.
1. Connect pipes A and B to four pipe joints of gearbox. Connect upper pipe B first, and lower pipe A.
Tightening torque: 13 Nm (1.3 kgf-cm, 9.4 ft. lbs.)
2. Connect pipes C and D to gearbox. Connect lower pipe C first, and upper pipe D second.
Tightening torque: 15 Nm (1.5 kgf-cm, 10.8 ft. lbs.)