Instrument Cluster / Carrier: Testing and Inspection
Combination Meter SystemCAUTION: When measuring the voltage and resistance of the ECM, TCM, or each sensor, use a tapered pin with a diameter of less the an
0.64 mm (0.025 in). In order to avoid poor contact. Do not insert the pin more than
2 mm (0.08 in).
1. Symptom Chart:
Check Power Supply And Ground Circuit Step 1 - 3:
Check Vehicle Speed Sensor Step 1 - 4:
Check Transmission Control Module Step 1 - 2:
Check Engine Control Module Step 1:
Check Engine Control Module Step 2:
Check Fuel Level Sensor Step 1 - 4:
Check Fuel Level Sensor Step 5:
Check Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Step 1 - 2:
Check Outside Temperature Indicator Step 1- 4: