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Front Differential Assembly

Front Differential Assembly

1) Remove the manual transmission assembly from vehicle.
2) Remove the transfer case with extension case assembly.
3) Remove the transmission case.
4) Removes the drive pinion shaft assembly.
5) Remove the main shaft assembly.

6) Remove the differential assembly.

^ Be careful not to confuse right and left roller bearing outer races.
^ Be careful not to damage retainer oil seal.

7) Remove the differential side retainers using ST.

1) Install the differential side retainers using ST.
ST 499787000 WRENCH ASSY

2) Install the differential assembly.

CAUTION: Be careful not to fold the sealing lip of oil seal.

NOTE: Wrap the left and right splines sections of axle shaft with vinyl tape to prevent scratches.

3) Install the main shaft assembly.
4) Install the drive pinion assembly.
5) Install the transmission case.
6) Install the transfer case with extension case assembly.
7) Install the manual transmission assembly to vehicle.

1) Remove the right and left snap rings from differential, and then remove the two axle drive shafts.

NOTE: During reassembly, reinstall each axle drive shaft in the same place from which it was removed.

2) Loosen the twelve bolts and remove the hypoid driven gear.

3) Drive out the straight pin from differential assembly toward hypoid driven gear.
ST 899904100 REMOVER

4) Pull out the pinion shaft, and remove the differential bevel pinion and gear and washer.

5) Remove the roller bearing using ST.
ST 399527700 PULLER SET


1) Remove the O-ring.

2) Remove the oil seal.

NOTE: Do not reuse the oil seal. Prepare a new oil seal.

3) Remove either side of split pin and pin, and remove the claw.
ST 398527700 PULLER ASSY

4) Attach two claws to the outer race securely, and set ST to side retainer.
ST 398527700 PULLER ASSY

^ Attach notch portions of the two shafts securely to side retainer.
^ Restore the removed claws to original position, and install the pin and split pin.

5) Remove the bearing outer race from side retainer. ST 398527700 PULLER ASSY

^ Fix the shaft of ST secure enough that it will not loosen and fall from side retainer.
^ When replacing the bearing outer race, replace it with inner race as a set.


1) Install the bevel gear and bevel pinion together with washers, and insert pinion shaft.

NOTE: Face the chamfered side of washer toward gear.

2) Measure the backlash between bevel gear and pinion. If it is not within specifications, install a suitable washer to adjust it.

NOTE: Be sure the pinion gear tooth contacts adjacent gear teeth during measurement.

ST1 498247001 MAGNET BASE
ST2 498247100 DIAL GAUGE
Standard backlash: 0.13 - 0.13 mm (0.0051 - 0.0071 inch)

3) Align the pinion shaft and differential case at their holes, and drive the straight pin into holes from the hypoid driven gear side, using ST.

NOTE: Lock the straight pin after installing.

ST 899904100 REMOVER

4) Install the roller bearing to differential case.

CAUTION: Do not apply pressure in excess of 10 kN (1 ton, 1.1 US ton, 1.0 Imp ton).

NOTE: Be careful because the roller bearing outer races are used as a set.

ST1 499277100 BUSH 1-2 INSTALLER
ST2 398497701 ADAPTER

5) Install the hypoid driven gear to differential case using twelve bolts.
Tightening torque:
T: 62 Nm (fi3 kgf-m, 45.6 ft. lbs.)


1) Install the bearing outer race to side retainer.

NOTE: Press-in while being careful not to scratch the side retainer and bearing outer race.

2) Install a new oil seal.

3) Install a new O-ring.

NOTE: Do not stretch or damage the O-ring.


Repair or replace the differential gear in the following cases:
^ The hypoid drive gear and drive pinion shaft tooth surface are damaged, excessively worn, or seized.
^ The roller bearing on the drive pinion shaft has a worn or damaged roller path.
^ There is damage, wear, or seizure of the differential bevel pinion, differential bevel gear, washer, pinion shaft, and straight pin.
^ The differential case has worn or damaged sliding surfaces.


Measure the backlash between bevel gear and pinion. If it is not within specifications, install a suitable washer to adjust it.

NOTE: Be sure the pinion gear tooth contacts adjacent gear teeth during measurement.

ST1 498247001 MAGNET BASE
ST2 498247100 DIAL GAUGE
Standard backlash: 0.13 - 0.18 mm (0.0051 - 0.0071 inch)


Set the ST1, ST2 and ST3. Insert the needle through transmission oil drain plug hole so that the needle comes in contact with the tooth surface at a right angle and check the backlash.
ST1 498247001 MAGNET BASE
ST2 498247100 DIAL GAUGE
ST3 498255400 PLATE
Backlash: 0.13 - 0.18 mm (0.0051 - 0.0071 inch)

NOTE: If the backlash is outside specified range, adjust it by turning holder in right side case.

Check tooth contact of hypoid gear as follows: Apply a uniform thin coat of red lead on both tooth surfaces of 3 or 4 teeth of the hypoid gear. Move the hypoid gear back and forth by turning the transmission main shaft until a definite contact pattern is developed on hypoid gear, and judge whether face contact is correct. If it is inaccurate, make adjustment.

^ Tooth contact is correct.

1) Disassemble the front differential.
2) Select a different washer from the table and install.

3) Adjust until the specified value is obtained.
Standard backlash: 0.13-0.18 mm (0.0051-0.0071 inch)

Adjust the backlash by turning holder in right side case. ST 499787000 WRENCH ASSY

NOTE: Each time holder rotates one tooth, backlash changes by 0.05 mm (0.020 inch).

Adjust until the teeth contact is correct.

^ Backlash is excessive.
To reduce backlash, loosen holder on the upper side (case right side) and turn in the holder on the lower side (case left side) by the same amount.

^ Backlash is insufficient.
To increase backlash, loosen holder on the lower side (case left side) and turn in the holder on the upper side (case right side) by the same amount.

^ The drive pinion shim selected before is too thick.
Reduce its thickness.

^ The drive pinion shim selected before is too thin. Increase its thickness.