Steering GearboxASSEMBLY
1. Using a press, install the bushing to the gearbox installation portion.
2. Insert the ST into rack.
ST 34199AG030 GUIDE
3. Install the seal ring to piston portion of rack.
1. Using the ST, form the seal ring properly
ST2 34199AG050 GUIDE G (24)
2. Using ST-B and ST-C, install the oil seal to ST-A.
ST 927490000 INSTALLER A, B, C
NOTE: Face the oil seal in the direction as shown in the figure.
3. Insert the ST-A with oil seal assembled from the gear side of rack. Remove the oil seal from ST-A near piston, and then remove the ST-A from rack.
4. Install the backup washer from gear side of rack.
5. Install the ST on rack, and equally apply a thin coat of grease to the rack and ST, then install the oil seal.
ST 926250000 GUIDE
CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch the oil seal lips with the inner ring section of piston.
6. Apply a coat of grease to the grooves in rack, sliding surface of sleeve and sealing surface of piston. Then insert the rack into steering body from cylinder side.
7. Check the thread part of holder and end of gearbox cylinder for burrs and scratches. Correct if necessary.
8. Insert the ST into gearbox cylinder, and then press-fit the oil seal.
9. Temporarily install the holder to gearbox cylinder.
10. Set the ST to the end of rack.
11. Using a press, press-fit until the groove of ST reaches the end of holder.
12. Secure the gearbox in a vice using ST.
ST1 926200000 STAN D
ST2 34199AG000 BOSS D
13. Tighten the holder.
Tightening torque: 90 Nm (9.1 kgf-cm, 65.8 ft. lbs.)
14. Using ST, caulk the gearbox cylinder at 2 mm (0.08 inch) from end to make punch hole 2 to 2.5 mm (0.08 to 0.10 inch) in diameter.
15. Apply vinyl tape to spline portion, and apply genuine grease to dust cover, and then install the dust cover to valve assembly.
CAUTION: Be sure to install the dust cover to groove on shaft properly.
16. Apply genuine grease to the pinion gear and bearing of valve assembly.
17. Install a new gasket on valve assembly. Insert the valve assembly into place while facing the rack teeth toward pinion.
18. Tighten the bolts alternately to secure valve assembly.
Tightening torque: 20 Nm (2.0 kgf-cm, 14.8 ft. lbs.)
CAUTION: Be sure to alternately tighten the bolts.
19. Temporarily install the rack, and then operate it from lock to lock two or three times to make it fit in. Remove the grease blocking air vent hole.
CAUTION: If operating the rack from lock to lock without installing tie-rod, it may damage the oil seal. Always install the tie-rods LH and RH.
20. Apply liquid gasket to at least 1/3 of the entire perimeter of adjusting screw thread.
Liquid gasket: THREE BOND 1141
21. Apply a coat of grease to the sliding surface of sleeve and seating surface of spring, and then insert sleeve into steering body.
Charge the adjusting screw with grease, and then insert the spring into adjusting screw and install on steering body.
22. Tighten the adjusting screw to specified torque.
Tightening torque: 3.9 Nm (0.4 kgf-cm, 2.9 ft. lbs.)
23. After tightening the adjusting screw with the specified tightening torque, loosen it by 20°.
24. Remove the tie-rod.
25. Adjust the turning resistance of gearbox so that it is within specification using adjusting screw.
26. Apply liquid gasket to lock nut and install it into adjusting screw. While holding the adjusting screw with a wrench, tighten lock nut using ST.
Liquid gasket: THREE BOND 1141
ST 926230000 SPANNER
Tightening torque (Lock nut): 25 Nm (2.5 kgf-cm, 18.1 ft. lbs.)
NOTE: Hold the adjusting screw with a wrench to prevent it from turning while tightening lock nut.
27. Extend the rack approximately 40 mm (1.57 inch) beyond side of steering body.
28. Install the tie-rod and a new lock washer into rack.
Tightening torque: 90 Nm (9.1 kgf-cm, 65.8 ft. lbs.)
29. Bend the lock washer.
CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch the rack when bending lock washer.
30. Apply a coat of grease to the tie-rod groove, and then install the boot to housing.
CAUTION: Right side boot has groove for identification. Be sure to install the boots after identifying left and right boots.
NOTE: Make sure that the boot is installed without unusual inflation or deflation.
31. Install a new boot band. Using band clamp pliers, caulk the boot band until caulking part clearance is 2 mm (0.079 inch) or less.
32. Fix the boot end with clip (small).
33. After installing, check the boot end is positioned into groove on tie-rod.
34. If the tie-rod end has been removed, screw in the lock nut and tie-rod end to screwed portion of tie-rod, and then tighten the lock nut temporarily in a position as shown in the figure.
Installed tie-rod length L: 31 mm (1.22 inch)
35. Inspect the gearbox as follows:
"A" Holding the tie-rod end, repeat lock to lock two or three times as quickly as possible.
"B" Holding the tie-rod end, turn it slowly at a radius one or two times as large as possible.
After all, make sure that the boot is installed in specified position without deflation.
36. Remove the gearbox from ST.
ST1 926200000 STAND
ST2 34199AG000 BOSS D
37. Install the four pipes on gearbox.
1. Connect the pipe A and B to four pipe joints of gearbox.
Tightening torque: Refer to COMPONENT.
2. Connect the pipe C and D to gearbox.
Tightening torque:
Pipe C: 37 Nm (3.8 kgf-cm, 27.3 ft. lbs.)
Pipe D: 29 Nm (3.0 kgf-cm, 21.4 ft. lbs.)
Specified steering grease: VALIANT GREASE M2 (Part No. 003608001)
1. Clean all parts and tools before reassembling.
2. Apply a coat of specified power steering fluid to the inner wall of valve housing.
3. To avoid scratching the oil seal, apply a coat of grease to the contact surface of installer and oil seal.
4. Verify the oil seal direction.
Attach the oil seal to installer and position in valve housing before pressing into place.
5. Press the oil seal into place using a press.
6. Attach the bearing to ST, and then position in value housing. Using the ST and press, install the special bearing in valve housing. ST 34199AG090 INSTALLER & REMOVER
7. Apply vinyl tape to the groove portion of pinion.
8. Install the backup ring and oil seal to pinion, and then remove the vinyl tape.
9. Set the ST to pinion, and install the seal ring.
ST 34199AG020 GUIDE
10. Remove the ST GUIDE, and form the seal ring properly using ST FORMER.
ST 341 99AG070 FORMER
11. Put vinyl tape around the pinion shaft splines to protect oil seal from damage.
12. Install the valve to pinion, and install the snap ring.
13. Fit the pinion & valve assembly into valve housing.
14. Using a press, press-fit the pinion & valve assembly into housing by pressing the bearing outer race.
15. Apply the specified grease to dust cover.
16. Install the dust cover on valve assembly.
CAUTION: Be sure to install the dust cover to groove on shaft properly.
17. Apply genuine grease to the pinion gear and bearing of valve assembly.
18. Install a new O-ring on valve assembly.
19. Insert the valve assembly into place while facing rack teeth toward pinion.
20. Tighten the bolts alternately to secure valve assembly.
Tightening torque: 20 Nm (2.0 kgf-cm, 14.8 ft. lbs.)
CAUTION: Be sure to alternately tighten the bolts.
21. Apply liquid gasket to at least 1/3 of the entire perimeter of adjusting screw thread.
Liquid gasket: THREE BOND 1141 (Part Not 004403006)
22. Apply a coat of grease to the sliding surface of sleeve and seating surface of spring, and then insert the sleeve into steering body.
Charge the adjusting screw with grease, and then insert the spring into adjusting screw and install on steering body.
23. Tighten the adjusting screw with specified torque.
Tightening torque: 3.9 Nm (0.4 kgf-cm, 2.9 ft. lbs.)
24. After tightening to the specified tightening torque, loosen it by 20°.
25. Adjust the turning resistance of gearbox so that it is within specification using adjusting screw.
26. Apply liquid gasket to lock nut and install it into adjusting screw. While holding the adjusting screw with a wrench, tighten the lock nut using ST. Liquid gasket:
THREE BOND 1141 ST 926230000 SPANNER
Tightening torque (Lock nut): 25 Nm (2.5 kgf-cm, 18.1 ft. lbs.)
NOTE: Hold the adjusting screw with a wrench to prevent it from turning while tightening lock nut.
27. Remove the gearbox from ST.
ST1 926200000 STAN D
ST2 34199AG000 BOSS D
28. Install the four pipes on gearbox.
1. Connect the pipe A and B to the gearbox.
Tightening torque: Refer to COMPONENT.
2. Connect the pipe C and D to gearbox. Tightening torque:
Pipe C: 37 Nm (3.8 kgf-cm, 27.3 ft. lbs.)
Pipe D: 29 Nm (3.0 kgf-cm, 21.4 ft. lbs.)