Forced Drive
FORCED DRIVEIf glass lid does not operate or is not supplied with power, move the glass lid using the emergency handle (hexagon wrench)*.
*: Emergency handle (L shape general purpose hexagon wrench)
Sedan model: bolt width 4 mm (0.16 in)
Wagon model: bolt width 5 mm (0.20 in)
1. Remove the spot map light.
2. Insert the hexagon wrench securely until it touches the motor shaft edge.
3. Turn the hexagon wrench, and move the glass lid.
- Turning right, the glass lid open.
- Turning left, the glass lid close.
1. Slide the slider (A) to vehicle rearward (C), and remove the sun shade from slider by raising the rod (B).
CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the adjacent parts with rod end when moving the glass lid with emergency handle.
2. Slide the sunshade forward.
3. Remove the plug in the rear side of roof trim.
4. Insert the hexagon wrench securely until it touches the motor shaft edge.
5. Turn the hexagon wrench to right, and close the glass lid (front and rear).
CAUTION: After forced drive, the initialize operation is required.