Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1) Disconnect the four pipes from gearbox.

NOTE: Remove the pipes E and F, which are fixed to the clamp plate, as a unit.

2) Secure the gearbox assembly removed from the vehicle in a vise using a ST.
ST 926200000 STAND

CAUTION: Secure the gearbox assembly in a vise using ST as shown. Do not affix the gearbox to the vice without this ST.

3) Remove the tie-rod end and lock nut from gearbox assembly.
4) Move the clip of the boot using the pliers, and then slide the boot to the tie-rod end side.

5) Using a flat tip screwdriver, remove the band from boot.

NOTE: Replace the boot if there is damage, cracks or deterioration.

6) Using the ST, loosen the lock nut.
ST 926230000 SPANNER

7) Tighten the adjusting screw until it can no longer be tightened.

8) Remove the tie-rod using a 32 mm (1.26 in) wrench or adjustable wrench.

9) Loosen the adjusting screw, and remove the spring and sleeve.
10) Disconnect the pipes A and B from steering body and control valve housing.

11) Clean any dirt adhered to the input shaft. Remove the dust cover, paying attention not to scratch the housing or input shaft and not to allow foreign matter to enter gear box interior.

CAUTION: Wrap a tape around the input shaft spline in order not to damage the dust cover.

12) Align the ST pin with plug hole to install. Rotate the ST counterclockwise to remove plug.

13) Remove the valve assembly paying attention not to scratch the seal ring or valve housing inner surfaces.

14) Remove the holder using a 32 mm (1.26 in) wrench or adjustable wrench.

15) Attach the ST on the valve side of rack, and press out the outer side oil seal while taking care that the rack and the steering body inner surface do not come into contact with each other.

NOTE: Block the pipe connection of steering body to prevent fluid from flowing out.

16) Insert the ST from the valve side and press the back-up ring and oil seal out.
ST 927580000 REMOVER

17) Using ST1 and ST2, repair the crimped portion of cylinder.
ST1 34099FA080 PUNCH
ST2 34099FA070 BASE

18) If the cylinder edge is deformed in a convex shape, repair using an oil stone.

19) Remove the oil seal using ST and push out from the plug.

NOTE: Do not apply force on the plug edge surface.

20) Set the ST at a size shown in the figure.

21) Set the stopper to gearbox, then insert the tip of the ST to the gearbox.

22) By fixing the 2-surface widths, press-in the rod while rotating it and catch the oil seal.

23) While fixing the 2-surface widths, pull out the oil seal by rotating nut.

CAUTION: Take care not to scratch the gearbox inner surface.


1) Apply a coat of grease to the inside and outside of the new oil seal.
Steering grease: ONE LUBER MO (Part No. 003608001)
2) Verify the direction of the oil seal and installation position. Using the ST and a press, press-fit the oil seal into the gearbox.

3) Attach the steering body to ST as shown in the figure. Apply a coat of grease to needle bearing.
ST 926200000 STAND

CAUTION: Make sure the needle bearing is free from defects. If it is faulty, replace the steering body with a new part.

4) Using the ST B and ST C, attach the oil seal to ST A.
ST 927490000 INSTALLER A, B, C

NOTE: Face the oil seal in the direction as shown in the figure.

5) Insert the ST A with oil seal assembled from the gear side of rack. Remove the oil seal from ST A near piston, and then remove the ST A from rack.

6) Install the back-up washer from the gear side of rack.

7) Attach the ST on rack, equally apply a thin coat of grease to the rack and ST, and then install the oil seal.
ST 926250000 GUIDE

CAUTION: Be careful not to scratch the oil seal lips with the inner ring section of piston.

8) Apply a coat of grease to the grooves in rack, sliding surface of sleeve and sealing surface of piston. Attach the ST on the end of steering body cylinder. Then insert the rack into steering body from cylinder side.

CAUTION: Do not allow grease to block the air vent hole on rack.

9) Slowly push the inner side oil seal using the press until the distance from the ST to the end of the rack is 65 mm (2.56 in).

CAUTION: Make sure that there are no scratches on the inner wall of the ST. Otherwise there is a possibility of the oil seal being damaged when it is installed.

10) Make the ST2 and pipe pass through rack, and then press-in the ST1, ST 2 and the outer side oil seal using a press.

11) Install a new holder to the cylinder side of steering body.
Tightening torque: 64 N-m (6.5 kgf-m, 47.0 ft-lb)

12) Attach the ST on rack cylinder. Using the press, press in the ST until the groove on the ST aligns with the edge of the holder.

13) Using the ST, crimp the steering body at one point less than 3 mm (0.12 in) from holder.

CAUTION: Be careful not to deform the holder.


14) Roll a vinyl tape on the serration portion of valve assembly, and then apply grease on the tape surface.

15) Apply a coat of grease on the gear teeth of the valve assembly, and then attach the valve assembly taking care not to scratch oil seal and seal ring.

16) Apply grease on the oil seal circumference, and then press it into the plug using ST and a press. Replace the O-rings of plug circumference with new O-rings.

CAUTION: Install the oil seal paying attention to correct direction.

17) Attach the plug using ST.
Tightening torque: 64 N-m (6.5 kgf-m, 47.0 ft-lb)

18) Install the dust cover and then remove the vinyl tape.

19) Temporarily tighten the tie-rod to the rack end, and then operate the rack from lock to lock for two or three times to make it fit in. Remove any grease blocking the air vent hole.

CAUTION: If operating the rack from lock to lock without installing tie-rods, it may damage the oil seal. Always install the tie-rods LH and RH.

20) Apply a coat of grease to the sliding surface of seat pad, sleeve and seating surface of spring, and then insert sleeve into steering body.
Charge the adjusting screw with grease, and then insert the spring into adjusting screw. Then install on the steering body.

21) Tighten the adjusting screw to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 7.4 N-m (0.75 kgf-m, 5.4 ft-lb)

NOTE: After tightening with the specified torque, loosen it by 25°.

22) Remove the tie-rod.
23) Check that the play, or looseness, is at the standard value.
24) Loosen the adjusting screw, and then apply liquid gasket to at least 1/3 of the entire perimeter of adjusting screw thread.
Liquid gasket: THREE BOND 1141

25) Tighten the adjusting screw.
1) Tighten the adjusting screw to the specified torque, then loosen it.
Tightening torque: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.2 ft-lb)
2) Tighten the adjusting screw to the specified torque, then loosen it.
Tightening torque: 4.9 N-m (0.50 kgf-m, 3.6 ft-lb)
3) Tighten the adjusting screw to the specified torque, then loosen it 26°.
Tightening torque: 4.9 N-m (0.50 kgf-m, 3.6 ft-lb)
26) Install the lock nut. While holding the adjusting screw with a wrench, tighten the lock nut using ST.
ST 926230000 SPANNER
Tightening torque (lock nut): 39 N-m (4.0 kgf-m, 28.9 ft-lb)

NOTE: Hold the adjusting screw with a wrench to prevent it from turning while tightening the lock nut.

27) Install the tie-rod into rack.
Tightening torque: 90 N-m (9.0 kgf-m, 65.1 ft-lb)

NOTE: Check the mating face of rack and tie-rod for foreign matter such as dust etc.

28) Apply a coat of grease to the tie-rod groove, and then install the boot to the housing.

NOTE: Make sure that the boot is installed without unusual inflation or deflation.

29) Crimp the boot so that the clearance of the boot band crimp portion becomes 2 mm (0.08 in) or less.

NOTE: Use a new band.

30) Fix the boot end with small clip.

31) After installing, check that the boot end is installed to the groove of the tie-rod.
32) If the tie-rod end has been removed, screw in lock nut and tie-rod end to the screwed portion of tie-rod, and tighten the lock nut temporarily in a position as shown in the figure.
Installed tie-rod length: L 31.2 mm (1.23 in)

33) Inspect the gearbox as follows.
Holding the "A" tie-rod end, repeat movement from lock to lock two or three times as quickly as possible.
Holding the "B" tie-rod end, turn a few times as slowly as possible.
Finally, make sure that the boot is installed in the specified position without inflating.

34) Remove the gearbox from ST.
ST 926200000 STAND


1) Clean all the disassembled parts, and check for wear, damage or any other faults, then repair or replace as necessary.
2) When disassembling, check the inside of gearbox assembly for water. If any water is found, carefully check the boot for damage, and the input shaft dust seal, adjusting screw and boot clips for poor sealing. If faulty, replace with new parts.

Make a measurements as follows. If it exceeds the specified service limits, adjust or replace.

NOTE: When making a measurement, hold the gearbox assembly in a vise using the ST. Do not hold the gearbox in a vice by inserting aluminum plates etc. between the vise and gearbox assembly.

ST 926200000 STAND
Rack shaft sliding resistance:
Service limit: 400 N (41 kgf, 90 lb) or less

Right-turn steering
Service limit: 0.19 mm (0.0075 in) or less
L = 5 mm (0.20 in)
P: 122.6 N (12.5 kgf, 27.6 lb)

In radial direction
Service limit: 0.18 mm (0.0071 in) or less
P: 98 N (10 kgf, 22 lb)

In axial direction
Service limit: 0.5 mm (0.020 in) or less
P: 20 - 49 N (2 - 5 kgf, 4- 11 lb)

Using the ST, measure gearbox turning resistance.
Service limit:
Maximum allowable resistance: 9.33 N (0.95 kgf, 2.10 lb) or less
Difference between right and left turning resistance: Less than 20 %


1) If a fluid leak is found, clean the fluid completely from the suspect area, and turn the steering wheel 30 to 40 times to the left and right from lock to lock, with the engine running, and check again for leaks immediately, and also after a few hours have passed
2) Cause and solution for oil leakage from "a" The oil seal is damaged. Replace the valve assembly with a new part.
3) Cause and measure for oil leakage from "b" The torsion bar O-ring is damaged. Replace the valve assembly with a new part.
4) Cause and measure for oil leakage from "c" The pipe is damaged. Replace the faulty pipe or O-ring.
5) If the leak is other than a, b, c or if oil is leaking from the gearbox, move the right and left boots toward tie-rod end side, respectively, with the gearbox mounted to the vehicle, and remove fluid from surrounding areas. Then, turn the steering wheel from lock to lock 30 to 40 times with the engine running, then reinspect the leaking area immediately after and several hours after this operation.
1) Cause and solution for oil leakage from "d" The cylinder seal is damaged. Replace the rack bushing with a new part.
2) Cause and solution for oil leakage from "e" There are two possible causes. Perform the following step first. Remove the pipe assembly B from the valve housing, and close the circuit using ST.
ST 926420000 PLUG
Turn the steering wheel from lock to lock 30 to 40 times with the engine running, then inspect the leaking section immediately after and several hours after this operation.
^ If leakage from "e" is found again:
The oil seal of pinion and valve assembly is damaged. Replace the pinion and valve assembly with a new part. Or replace the oil seal and the parts that are damaged during disassembly with new parts.
^ If oil stops leaking from "e":
The oil seal of rack housing is damaged. Replace the oil seal and parts that are damaged during disassembly with new parts.