Subaru Select Monitor-III(R) - BIU Customization Info.
NUMBER: 11-97-10DATE: 08/13/10
All Subaru Vehicles
BIU Customization Function Change
This bulletin is for information purposes. Beginning with the July 2010 release of the Subaru Select Monitor-III (SSMIII) software, there is a new additional screen when entering BIU customization. This screen is not currently used for the US market, and can just be acknowledged by selecting "OK" to continue.
New software screen examples
When the above new screen appears, select "OK". Then the following screen will appear, as in previous versions.
If "Cancel" is selected on the confirmation screen" the following will appear.
Choose "Cancel" and you will be taken back to the BIU customization selection screen, and you can begin again.
If you choose "OK" accidentally, it will open a dialog box that will prompt you to enter an Option code. Do not enter anything in the box, just click the "OK" button.
It will open up this dialog box. Click the "Cancel" button.
Click "OK" on the Writing Error dialog box. It will return you to the Select Parameter dialog box.