Wiper and Washer Systems: Service Precautions
General DescriptionCAUTION
- Connect the connectors and hoses securely during reassembly.
- After reassembly, make sure functional parts operates smoothly.
- Be careful with the airbag system wiring harness which passes near electrical parts and switches.
- Yellow connectors and harnesses with yellow tapes around them are the connectors and harnesses for the airbag system. Using a tester above such circuits may cause malfunction of airbag system. Follow the cautions for the airbag system in this case.
- When connecting the pipe hoses, be careful not to cause bend or blockage.
- If even a small amount of silicon oil or grease enters tank and washer fluid passages, an oil film will be formed on the glass and will cause the wiper to chatter and judder. Make sure that no oil comes into contact with the system.