Chain Cover
Chain CoverREMOVAL
When replacing a single part, perform the work with the engine assembly installed to body.
1) When working on the vehicle
When working on the vehicle, perform the following steps also.
(1) Remove the radiator.
(2) Remove the front exhaust pipe.
(3) Remove the engine mounting.
(4) Remove the bolts which secure the generator cord stay to the chain cover.
(5) Remove the power steering pump.
1. Remove the V-belts.
2. Remove the generator.
3. Disconnect the connector from the power steering pump switch.
4. Remove the power steering pump from the engine.
5. Place the power steering pump on the right side wheel apron.
2) Drain the engine oil.
3) Remove the water pump pulley.
4) Remove the crank pulley.
5) Remove the engine harness stay from the chain cover.
6) Disconnect the connector (A) from the oil control solenoid RH, and the connector (B) from the camshaft position sensor RH, and remove the clip (C) and clip (D) which secure the engine harness.
7) Disconnect the connectors from the oil level switch, and remove the clip (A) which secure the oil level switch harness.
8) Disconnect the terminal (A) from the oil pressure switch, and connector (B) from the engine oil temperature sensor, and connector (C) from the oil control solenoid LH, and connector (D) from the camshaft position sensor LH, and remove the clip (E) and clip (F) which secure the engine harness.
9) Pull out the oil level gauge (A), and remove the oil level gauge guide (B) and idler pulley (C).
10) Remove the chain cover.
11) Remove the O-rings from cylinder head RH, cylinder head LH, cylinder block LH and oil pan upper.
12) Remove the liquid gasket from the chain cover and engine unit.
1) Install the O-rings to cylinder head RH, cylinder head LH, cylinder block LH and oil pan upper.
^ Use new O-rings.
^ Apply a coat of engine oil to the O-rings.
2) Apply liquid gasket if there are gaps between front camshaft cap and cam carrier (A), cam carrier and cylinder head (B), and cylinder head and cylinder block (C) as shown in the figure.
Liquid gasket:
THREE BOND 1217G (Part No. K0877Y0100) or equivalent
3) Apply liquid gasket to the chain cover mating surface and center boss (5 places) as shown in the figure.
^ Before applying liquid gasket, degrease the old liquid gasket seal surface of the engine and chain cover.
^ Install within 5 min. after applying liquid gasket.
Liquid gasket:
THREE BOND 1217G (Part No. K0877Y0100) or equivalent
Liquid gasket applying diameter:
4 ± 0.5 mm (0.1575 ± 0.0197 in)
4) Set the chain cover, and tighten the bolts in numerical order as shown in the figure.
Tightening torque:
T1: 10 Nm (1.0 kgf-m, 7.4 ft-lb)
T2: 25 Nm (2.5 kgf-m, 18.4 ft-lb)
5) Install the idler pulley (C) and oil level gauge guide (B), and insert the oil level gauge (A).
^ Use a new O-ring to the oil level gauge guide.
^ Apply a light coat of engine oil to the O-rings of the oil level gauge guide and the oil level gauge.
Tightening torque:
T1: 6.4 Nm (0.7 kgf-m, 4.7 ft-lb)
T2: 36 Nm (3.7 kgf-m, 26.6 ft-lb)
6) Connect the terminal (A) to the oil pressure switch, and connector (B) to the engine oil temperature sensor, and connector (C) to the oil control solenoid LH, and connector (D) to the camshaft position sensor LH, and secure the engine harness with clip (E) and clip (F).
7) Secure the oil level switch harness with clips (A), and connect the connectors to the oil level switch.
8) Connect the connector (A) to the oil control solenoid RH, and the connector (B) to the camshaft position sensor RH, and secure the engine harness with clip (C) and clip (D).
9) Install the engine harness stay to the chain cover.
Tightening torque:
6.4 Nm (0.7 kgf-m, 4.7 ft-lb)
10) Install the crank pulley.
11) Install the water pump pulley.
12) Fill engine oil.
13) Install the generator bracket.
(1) Set the generator bracket to the engine, and tighten the bolts in numerical order as shown in the figure.
Tightening torque:
36 Nm (3.7 kgf-m, 26.6 ft-lb)
(2) Install the generator.
(3) Install the V-belts.
14) When working on the vehicle
When working on the vehicle, perform the following steps also.
(1) Install the radiator.
(2) Install the front exhaust pipe.
(3) Install the generator cord stay to the chain cover.
Install the generator cord stay so that the folded end (A) touches at the chain cover boss.
Tightening torque:
6.4 Nm (0.7 kgf-m, 4.7 ft-lb)
1) Remove the oil filler cap.
2) Remove the engine oil filter and the oil pump union.
3) Remove the oil pressure switch.
4) Remove the engine oil temperature sensor.
5) Remove the oil control solenoid.
6) Remove the camshaft position sensor.
7) Remove the actuator cover from chain cover.
1) Install the actuator cover to chain cover.
^ Use new O-rings.
^ Apply a coat of engine oil to the O-rings.
Tightening torque:
6.4 Nm (0.7 kgf-m, 4.7 ft-lb)
2) Install the camshaft position sensor.
3) Install the oil control solenoid.
4) Install the engine oil temperature sensor.
5) Install the oil pressure switch.
6) Install the engine oil filter and the oil pump union.
7) Install the oil filler cap.
Check that the chain cover does not have deformation, cracks and any other damage.