8 Valve Engines
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Drain engine cooling system.
3. Disconnect accelerator cable and kickdown cable, if equipped, from throttle body.
4. Disconnect all engine cylinder head vacuum, fuel and cooling hoses, marking for assembly reference.
5. Disconnect all engine cylinder head electrical connectors, marking for assembly reference.
6. Relieve pressure in fuel system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/FUEL PRESSURE RELIEF.
7. Disconnect fuel feed pipe from throttle body assembly and the return line from the fuel pressure regulator.
8. Remove radiator cooling fan, fan shroud, water pump drive belt and water pump pulley.
9. Remove timing belt as outlined under TIMING BELT & TENSIONER
10. Disconnect oil pressure switch electrical lead from retaining clamp.
11. Disconnect oxygen sensor electrical connector.
12. Remove exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold.
13. On models with A/C, remove A/C compressor adjusting arm from cylinder head.
14. On all models, remove cylinder head cover.
15. Remove cylinder head bolts.
16. Using an appropriate lifting device, remove cylinder head with distributor, exhaust manifold, intake manifold and carburetor assembly from cylinder block.
17. Reverse procedure to install noting the following:
a. Install new cylinder head gasket with the side marked TOP facing upward toward the crankshaft pulley.
Fig. 6 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
b. Lightly oil cylinder head bolts with oil and torque the cylinder bolts to specification in sequence shown in Fig. 6.
c. Ensure there is no fuel, coolant or exhaust leakage at all connections.
d. On models with A/C, evacuate and charge A/C system.