Removal and Installation
REMOVAL- Disconnect negative cable at battery.
- Disconnect distributor (CAS) connector.
- Remove distributor cap.
- Remove distributor flange bolt.
- Pull out distributor housing assembly.
NOTE: Before installing distributor, check to make sure that its O-ring is in good condition, if new O-ring is installed, apply oil.
- Turn over crankshaft in normal direction (clockwise as viewed from crankshaft pulley side) until "V" mark on pulley aligns with timing mark "0" (zero) on timing tab.
CAUTION: After aligning two marks, remove cylinder head cover to visually confirm that the rocker arms are not riding on the camshaft lobes at No. 1 cylinder. If the arms are found to be riding on the cams, turn over crankshaft 360° to align the two marks anew.
Rotor Position - Prior To Installation:
- Turn rotor to make the center of rotor align with the cap bolt hole center on distributor housing as shown.
Rotor Position - After Installation At TDC:
- Insert the distributor into the gear case in such a way that the center of distributor flange will coincide with the distributor mounting screw hole provided in the distributor gear case. When inserting the distributor completely, position of distributor rotor becomes as shown.
- Secure the distributor in place tentatively by making the mounting screw finger-tight.
- Check to make sure that rotor is in good condition.
- Inspect distributor cap and clean or replace as required.
- Make sure that distributor cap seal is placed properly and install cap, and then fasten it with screws.
- Connect distributor connector.
- Connect negative cable at battery.
- Check and adjust ignition timing.