1. Remove clutch release bearing (1).
2. Remove 8 clutch housing bolts (2) and then remove clutch housing (3).
3. Remove 8 bolts and pull out input shaft bearing retainer (1) by using large size screwdrivers (2) and clean cloth (3).
CAUTION: When pulling out, do not scratch the transmission case surface contacting with the clutch housing.
4. Remove 10 bolts and separate cases (1) and (2) by using Special Tool (A) 09912-34510.
5. Take out input 3 and main shaft assembly.
6. Remove bearing circlip (1) at the rear part of counter shaft (2).
7. Using Special Tool (B) 09913-60910, remove rear bearing (1).
8. Pull out 5th gear (2) and then reverse gear one at a time from counter shaft by hand.
9. Remove bolt (1) for reverse idle gear shaft (2) and then remove idle gear (3) and shaft as a set.
10. Remove center bearing plate (1) by removing its 2 bolts (3).
11. Remove outside circlip (1) of front bearing (2) on counter shaft.
12. Using plastic hammer (1), drive counter shaft (2) rearward, pull out roller bearing (3) by hand and then remove shaft from the front by pulling it up.
13. Remove circlip (1) of counter shaft front bearing (2) and pull out bearing by using Special Tool (B) 09913-60910.
14. Remove circlip, friction gear spring, friction gear retainer pin and friction gear in that order.