Battery: Testing and Inspection
BATTERY TEST1. VISUAL INSPECTION - Check for obvious damage, such as cracked or broken case or cover that could permit loss of electrolyte.
If obvious damage is noted, replace battery.
Determine cause of damage and correct as needed.
2. INDICATOR CHECK - Check the state of indicator.
- Green Dot
Proceed to load test.
- Dark
Charge battery as outlined under "Charging Procedures" and proceed to load test.
- Clear or Light Yellow
The battery must be replaced.
1. Connect voltmeter and battery load tester across battery terminals.
2. Apply proper face charge. Refer to L.T. (Load Test) described on battery caution label. For example, if it is 190, apply 190 ampere load.
3. Remove the load and wait 15 seconds to let battery recover.
4. Apply same load as in step 2). Read voltage after 15 seconds.
5. Remove the load.
- The voltage does not drop below the minimum as listed in figure.
- Battery is good.
- The voltage does drop below the minimum as listed in the figure.
- Replace the battery.
NOTE: Temperature of battery will affect minimum voltage required to pass load test.
See the figure and estimate the temperature battery has been exposed to for the last several hours.