Charging System With Refrigerant
The air conditioning system contains HFC-134a (R-134a).Described here is a method to charge the air conditioning system with refrigerant from the refrigerant service container.
When charging refrigerant recovered by using the refrigerant recovery and recycling equipment (when recycling refrigerant), follow the procedure described in the equipment manufacturer's instruction manual.
- Your eyes should not be exposed to refrigerant (liquid).
Any liquid Refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) escaping by accident shows a temperature below freezing point. Should liquid HFC-134a (R-134a) get into your eyes, it may cause a serious injury.
To protect your eyes against such accident, it is necessary to always wear goggles. Should it occur that HFC-134a (R-134a) strikes your eye(s), consult a doctor immediately.
a. DO NOT USE YOUR HAND TO RUB THE AFFECTED EYE(S). INSTEAD, use quantities of fresh cold water to splash it over the affected area to gradually raise temperature of such area above freezing point.
b. Obtain proper treatment as soon as possible from a doctor or eye specialist.
- Should the HFC-134a (R-134a) liquid come into contact with your skin, the affected area should be treated in the same manner as when skin is frostbitten or frozen.
- Refrigerant must not be handled near where welding or steam cleaning is performed.
- Refrigerant should be kept at a cold and dark place. It should never be stored where a high temperature is anticipated, e.g. where exposed to direct sun light, close to fire or inside vehicle (including trunk room).
- Avoid breathing fumes produced when HFC-134a (R-134a) is burned. Such fumes may be hazardous to health.
- Do not charge while compressor is hot.
- When installing tap valve to refrigerant container to make a hole therethrough, carefully follow directions given by manufacturer.
- A pressure gauge should always be used before and during charging.
- The refrigerant container should be emptied of refrigerant when discarding it.
- The refrigerant container should not be heated up to 40 °C (100 °F) or over.
- Refrigerant container should not be reversed in direction during charging. Reversing in direction causes liquid refrigerant to enter compressor, causing troubles, such as compression of liquid refrigerant and the like.