Daytime Running Light (D.R.L.) System
Daytime Running Light (D.R.L.) System1. Apply parking brake and stop engine.
With turned on lighting switch and operated dimmer switch, check headlights come on.
2. Start engine.
3. With released parking brake but apply foot brake, turn lighting switch at either ""OFF"" or "SMALL" position, check headlights come on.
4. With applied parking brake, check headlights go out.
5. If check result is OK in above step 1), 3) and 4), D.R.L. system is OK.
If malfunction is found, go to next step 6).
6. Disconnect negative (-) cable at battery.
7. Disconnect D.R.L. controller (1) coupler (4) and connect negative (-) cable at battery.
8. Check that the voltage and resistance between the following terminals are specifications.
If check result is not satisfactory, repair.
Daytime running light system circuit specification
Terminals E24-1 and ground (Lighting switch "OFF") : No continuity
Terminals E24-1 and ground (Lighting switch ON) : Continuity
Terminals E24-4 and ground (Do not apply parking brake) : No continuity
Terminals E24-4 and ground (Apply parking brake) : Continuity
Terminals E24-6 and ground (Lighting switch "OFF") : No continuity
Terminals E24-6 and ground (Lighting switch ON) : Continuity
Terminals E24-8 and ground : Continuity
Terminals E24-2 and ground (Engine stop) : 0 V
Terminals E24-2 and ground (Engine run) : 10 - 14 V
Terminals E24-9 and ground (Ignition switch "OFF") : 0 V
Terminals E24-9 and ground (Ignition switch ON) : 10 - 14V
Terminals E24-11 and ground (Ignition switch "OFF") : 0 V
Terminals E24-11 and ground (Ignition switch ON) : 10 - 14 V
9. If check result of step 8) is OK, replace controller and recheck.