Gear Shift Lever Case
GEAR SHIFT LEVER CASE1. Wash and inspect each part and replace if necessary. Also check items as described and correct whatever necessary carefully by using reamer, oilstone and the like, wash it thoroughly and reassemble them. Items to be checked are;
^ Shift shaft should go into case smoothly.
^ Shift lever, limit yoke and shift arm should go into shift shaft smoothly.
2. Insert shift shaft (1) as shown while making sure that inner parts are in proper direction.
NOTE: Cut off portion (5) in shift shaft should face downward when shift shaft (1) is Installed. Use care for installing direction of shift limit spring (4). Shift arm should be installed at the same time.
3. Drive in spring pin (single short) for reverse gear shift limit yoke.
4. Drive in spring pin (double) for shift lever.
5. Drive in spring pin (single long) for return spring.
6. Fit straight end of shift limit spring (2) into line groove in shift limit yoke (3) and with its other hooked end turned in its winding direction by about 900 from its free state, hook it on spring pin (1).
7. Drive in spring pin for shift arm.
8. Press-fit case plug (1) into case (2) and caulk it with punch.
9. If reverse gear shift limit bolt (1) has been removed, apply thread lock cement "A" to bolt then install and torque it to specification.
"A": Cement 99000-32020
Tightening torque
Reverse gear shift limit bolt (a) 23 Nm (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 ft. lbs.)
10. Install gear shift lever case (3) to transmission without using sealant for functional check.
11. Install shift control lever (1) and check to make sure that it shifts smoothly according to shift pattern as shown in the figure.
^ Apply thread lock cement "A" to control lever locating bolts (2) when replaced.
^ Be sure to apply sealant to mating surface of gear shift lever case (3) for its final installation.
"A": Cement 99000-32020
Tightening torque
Control lever locating bolt (a) 17 Nm (1.7 kg-m, 12.5 ft. lbs.)