Scan Tool Testing and Procedures
Part 2:
Part 3:
As the data values given below are standard values estimated on the basis of values obtained from the normally operating vehicles by using a scan tool, use them as reference values. Even when the vehicle is in good condition, there may be cases where the checked value does not fall within each specified data range. Therefore, judgment as abnormal should not be made by checking with these data alone.
Also, conditions in the table that can be checked by the scan tool are those output from ECM (PCM) as Commands and there may be cases where the engine or actuator is not operating (in the condition) as indicated by the scan tool. Be sure to use the timing light to check the ignition timing.
- For asterisk 1 (*1) marked item in OTHER column, item can be read only SUZUKI scan tool.
- When checking the data with the engine running at idle or racing, be sure to shift M/T gear to the neutral gear position and A/T gear to the "Park" position and pull the parking brake fully. Also, if nothing or "no load" is indicated, turn OFF A/C, all electric loads, P/S and all the other necessary switches.
- Asterisk 2 (*2) marked data in the table can not be read for vehicle with monitor connector.
COOLANT TEMP (Engine Coolant Temp., °C/°F)
It is detected by engine coolant temp. sensor.
It is detected by intake air temp. sensor.
DESIRE IDLE (Desire Idle Speed RPM)
The desired idle speed is an ECM internal parameter which indicates the ECM requested idle. If the engine is not running, the number is not valid.
CLOSED THROT POS (Closed Throttle Position ON/OFF)
This parameter will read ON when the throttle valve is fully closed, or OFF when the throttle is not fully closed.
This parameter indicates IAC valve opening rate which controls bypass air flow.
It is computed by reference pulses from the Camshaft Position Sensor.
SHORT FT B1 (Short Term Fuel Trim, %)
Short term fuel trim value represents short term corrections to the air/fuel mixture computation. A value of 0 indicates no correction, a value greater than 0 means an enrichment correction, and a value less than 0 implies an enleanment correction.
LONG FT B1 (Long Term Fuel Trim, %)
Long term fuel trim value represents long term corrections to the air/fuel mixture computation. A value of 0 indicates no correction, a value greater than 0 means an enrichment correction, and a value less than 0 implies an enleanment correction.
IGNITION ADVANCE (Ignition Timing Advance For No.1 Cylinder, °)
Ignition timing of No.1 cylinder is commanded by ECM. The actual ignition timing should be checked by using the timing light.
This parameter indicates battery positive voltage inputted from main relay to ECM.
MAF (Mass Air Flow Rate, g/s, lb/min)
It represents total mass of air entering intake manifold which is measured by mass air flow sensor.
INJ PULSE WIDTH (Fuel Injection Pulse Width, msec)
This parameter indicates time of the injector drive (valve opening) pulse which is output from ECM (but injector drive time of No.1 cylinder for multi port fuel injection).
THROTTLE POS (Absolute Throttle Position, %)
When throttle position sensor is fully closed position, throttle opening is indicated as 0% and 100% for full open position.
TP SENSOR VOLT (TP Sensor Output Voltage, V)
Throttle Position Sensor reading provides throttle valve opening information in the form of voltage.
OXYGEN SENSOR B1 S1 (HO2S-1 Output Voltage, V)
It indicates output voltage of HO2S-1 installed on exhaust manifold (pre-catalyst).
It indicates output voltage of HO2S-2 installed on exhaust pipe (post-catalyst). It is used to detect catalyst deterioration.
FUEL SYSTEM (Fuel System status)
Air/fuel ratio feedback loop status displayed as one of the followings.
OPEN : Open loop-has not yet satisfied conditions to go closed loop.
CLOSED : Closed loop-using oxygen sensor(s) as feedback for fuel control.
OPEN-DRIVE COND : Open loop due to driving conditions (Power enrichment, etc).
OPEN SYS FAULT: Open loop due to detected system fault.
CLOSED-ONE O2S: Closed loop, but fault with at least one oxygen sensor-may be using single oxygen sensor for fuel control.
CALC LOAD (Calculated Load Value, %)
Engine load displayed as a percentage of maximum possible load. Value is calculated mathematically using the formula:
actual (current) intake air volume/maximum possible intake air volume x 100%.
The value of total fuel trim is obtained by putting values of short term fuel trim and long term fuel trim together. This value indicates how much correction is necessary to keep the air/fuel mixture stoichiometrical.
MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure, mmHg, kPa)
It is indicated as difference between values detected by barometric pressure sensor and manifold differential pressure sensor (manifold absolute pressure).
CANIST PRG DUTY (Evap Canister Purge Flow Duty, %)
This parameter indicates valve ON (valve open) time rate within a certain set cycle of EVAP canister purge valve which controls the amount of EVAP purge.
It is computed based on pulse signals from vehicle speed sensor on transfer or transmission.
ON : Fuel being cut (output signal to injector is stopped).
OFF: Fuel not being cut.
CANIST AIR VAL (Evap Canister Air Valve, ON/OFF)
ON : ON command being output to EVAP canister air valve.
OFF : ON command not being output.
FUEL TANK PRESS (Fuel Tank Pressure, mmHg, kPa)
This parameter indicates the pressure in the fuel tank expressed with respect to the barometric pressure. When it is equal to the barometric pressure, it is indicated as 0 mmHg.
TANK PRESS SOL (Tank Pressure Control Solenoid Valve Status, ON/OFF)
ON : ON command being output to tank pressure control solenoid valve.
OFF: ON command not being output.
This parameter indicates opening rate of EGR valve which controls the amount of EGR flow.
ON: Command for operation being output from A/C amplifier to compressor.
OFF: Command for operation not being output.
ON : PSP switch detects P/S operation. (high PS pressure)
OFF: PSP switch not detects P/S operation
PNP SIGNAL (Transmission Range Switch, P/H or D range)
Whether the transmission range switch (P/N position switch) at P or N range or at R, D, 2 or L range is displayed. If at P or N range, "P/N range" is displayed and if at R, D, 2 or L range, "D range" is displayed.
This parameter indicates approximate fuel level in the fuel tank.
VSS (4-A/T) (km/h, MPH)
It is computed by using pulse signals from vehicle (output) speed sensor on 4-speed automatic transmission.
GEAR POSITION (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th)
The gear position is determined on the basis of the command state signals generated from PCM (ECM) to shift solenoids A and B (#1 and #2) and displayed as shown in the table.
THROT POS LEVEL (Throttle Position Level For 4-A/T, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" or "7")
This parameter indicates which level (zone) the throttle valve opening is in.
The throttle opening is divided into 8 levels (zones) from "0" (about idle position) to "7" (about full open) and signals are assigned to each opening level (zone). ECM (PCM) controls the automatic gear change of the automatic transmission by using these signals according to the signal from the TP sensor.
SHIFT SOL #1 CON/MON (Shift Solenoid #1, A Command/Monitor, ON/OFF)
CON-ON : ON command being output to shift solenoid #1, A.
CON-OFF : ON command not being output.
MON-ON : Electricity being passed to shift solenoid #1, A.
MON-OFF: Electricity not being passed.
SHIFT SOL #2 CON/MON (Shift Solenoid #2, B Command/Monitor, ON/OFF)
CON-ON : ON command being output to shift solenoid #2, B
CON-OFF : ON command not being output.
MON-ON : Electricity being passed to shift solenoid #2, B.
MON-OFF: Electricity not being passed.
TCC SOL CON/MON (Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Command/Monitor, ON/OFF)
CON-ON : ON command being output to TCC solenoid.
CON-OFF: ON command not being output.
MON-ON : Electricity being passed to TCC solenoid.
MON-OFF: Electricity not being passed.
TRANS RANGE (Transmission Range, R, N, D, 2 or L)
It indicates transmission range according to transmission range switch signal.
BRAKE SW (Brake, Stop Lamp, Switch, ON/OFF)
OFF: Brake pedal is released.
ON : Brake pedal is depressed.
O/D OFF SW (Overdrive cut switch, ON/OFF)
OFF : Overdrive cut switch OFF.
ON : Overdrive cut switch ON.
MODE SELECT SW (Power/Normal Change Switch, Power/Normal)
POWER : Switch button is at POWER position.
NORMAL : Switch button is at NORMAL position.
4WD-L SW (4WD-Low Switch, ON/OFF)
ON : Transfer lever is shifted to 4L position.
OFF : Transfer lever is shifted to 4H or 2H position.